You are now able to see if your subscribers are online on Instagram by activating the status of the activity


The days when we ignored someone's posts on Instagram and continued to scroll through other posts on Instagram may have ended. As announced in an official blog post, Instagram has added a green dot feature, next to the profile icon of your friends (or followers), telling you when they are available to chat. The green dot is called "Activity Status".

This means that users will now be able to see exactly when their friends are online and available to chat. The point will be visible in Instagram Direct as well as your friends list when you share a post from the feed. To get this feature, just update to the Instagram version


This new feature is an imitation of the Messenger application, which continue to be widely used to chat According to Instagram, when your friends are active on Instagram, you will see a green dot next to their profile picture in different spaces of the application, including the direct inbox and your list of When you share a feed message However, you will only see the status of friends following you or people with whom you spoke directly.

In case you do not like the new feature, you can easily hide your own status and disable the ability to see, (with Activity Status) when your friends are active in your settings.

Of course, Instagram attaches great importance to this feature to add more engagement on the platform if users know that their friends are available to chat.

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