5 iPhone tips that will make your life easier


The iPhone and Android OS phones have their strengths and weaknesses, but no one disputes the fact that iOS is easier to use and Android is easier to personalize for personal use. In this article, we will focus on features that you would not have known about the iPhone, and when you will be satisfied with the discovery, promise popsci.com

iPhone can serve as a bubble level

You did not know that the iOS Compbad. When you turn on the compbad and slide your finger to the left, you will find the bubble level function. So, from now on, you will not need to turn your head on the wall, because the spirit level always seems to be at your fingertips.

  5 iPhone tips that will make your life easier.
© DELFI / Kiril Chachovsky

Calculations tips

Do you have a lot to use with your phone calculator? You probably know how boring they are. When you click on the wrong number, it is time to start the calculation again: it turns out that everything can be repaired very quickly and it is not necessary to press the C, CA buttons. Slide your finger on one side or the other on the screen. a movie – a deleted figure.

Ability to Hide Personal Photos

Everyone, without exception, sometimes gives our friends hands on our phone to show pictures or videos. What if your gallery contains photos that are just for you? Fortunately, the iPhone makes it easy to hide these images from foreign eyes. In Photo Gallery, select one or more photos, select them and select Share (or Share), and then Hide (Hide). As the message indicates, this photo will become invisible, but you can easily access it via the Album screen.

You lost your phone? No malfunction

Even if you do not use Apple Health, you are advised to complete the Medical ID section. Why? Everything is very simple. The data entered here, for example, for which you are allergic and your contact information, will appear on a locked screen when someone who finds your lost phone will click on the "Help" link. So, if your iPhone is lost, a well-meaning person who finds it that way will be able to find a way to get in touch with you without difficulty.

Camera Flash Messaging

Those who are more likely to receive a visual notification, rather than a beep, will only like this flash function – it would appear that It can warn you of received messages. This feature is very convenient during meetings when people often place their phone on the table by placing the screen. Do you want to test this feature? Open the phone settings, then select General and finally select the option of availability. Now, just enable the LED flash function for notifications.

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