Facebook will offer the opportunity to "vote" the comments


Although the largest social network in the world has its own opinion and does not intend to offer the "do not like" button, it has begun to offer a button "blundering" to users (still in the United States). These tests, which began without an official message on Facebook, are already on mobile devices, writes Ars Technica.

This new feature seems to be available only for public commentators who have had the opportunity to participate in the test. Participants in the study, on the right side of each comment, see a number with two arrows – high and low – in which this number can be increased or decreased by one unit.

For the first time, such a voting system will see the Facebook user explain why the system should be used: "Support thoughtful comments, refuse those that are irrelevant or unnecessary."

This voting system will work by the side of the emotional interface that has been used for a long time, allowing a post or comment "to love", responding with a smile or anger. The "Voting" system will work separately – for example, you can press "Comment" on the same comment and vote against it.

Until now, tests should only take place on the mobile iOS platform – Ars Technica reporters have not yet seen Android users with the possibility to vote. In addition, iOS users do not always succeed – it depends on the random badignment of a new feature to a group of testers. Since April this year, the phisic voting system has been tested in Australia and New Zealand. The CEO of Faebook Mark Zuckerberg until 2015 promised users to propose a way to express their disapproval of any social message on the social network, but after that, the post had only one set of long-standing Facebook emoticons .

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