Laboratory approved: Samsung has developed a non-breakable screen


The innovation was offered by Samsung Display, whose products were tested by Underwriters Laboratories testers who, after evaluating the test results, described the new screen as "non breakable" and able to withstand military durability tests. Of these tests, 26 fall from a height of 1.2 m and extreme temperatures.

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The essential element that gives the screen excellent physical strength properties is a rugged substrate and a flexible cover for the l & # 39; screen. The market for flexible displays has been used in the past (remember the LG Flex or Apple Watch phones), but they were all covered with a glbad cover, which eliminates the flexibility of the screen, because the screen correctly displays the image. covering the glbad s? crushed? And the new Samsung Display will likely become a mandatory component for future phones.

Even though Samsung will use these screens for use on phones, cars, gaming computers, tablets and military products, and various manufacturers are now lined up The new Galaxy Note 9, which will take place after 39; half a month, will come with this extremely durable screen – the new product is still being prepared for the market, and the final products are expected to appear this year.

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