A private island, a helicopter, a house and other random crazy items that you can buy online at M's Sia


Did you know that Malaysians spent RM 1 billion on online purchases in 2017 alone? To put this in perspective, with the same amount, you can build the Bukit Jalil National Stadium while retaining an additional 200 million RM!

Pretty crazy no ?! What's even more crazy is these 6 things we discovered and most of you probably did not know that you can actually buy online in Malaysia. Discover them below and get ready to fly!

1. Your own private island

[Test]    A peacock, a helicopter, a house and X other crazy and random things that you can buy online - WORLD OF BUZZ 7
Source: privateislandsonline

The purchase of a private island is actually quite accessible and not as expensive as you think! Recently, a father in China bought an island for his son for about RM600,000. It's pretty cheap, because it's a whole island weh!

So, how do you buy an island by chance, especially in Malaysia? By buying it online of course! There are some specialized websites in this area and here are some reliable sites:

  • Private Islands, Inc. Founded in 1999, it is one of the largest island listing websites in the world.
  • Private islands of Vladi. The founder of the company, Farhad Vladi, sold his first island in 1971 and owns islands for sale and for rent all over the world!

We have seen some private islands for sale near Pangkor, so if you decide to buy one, do not forget to invite us to kayak! ?

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2. Your own private helicopter

[Test]    A private island, a helicopter, a house and other crazy and random things you can buy online in Malaysia - WORLD OF BUZZ 1
Source: shajasa

What's cooler than taking a helicopter ride? Own one! In fact, it is very easy to buy a helicopter online in Malaysia on websites such as AVBuyer.

However, there are some caveats that you must adhere to, such as:

  • You must register the ownership of your helicopter with the Department of Civil Aviation. If not, can not fly bro!
  • The helicopter must not already be registered in another country.
  • Its design, construction, workmanship and materials shall be in accordance with specifications accepted by DCA. A bit like the specifications approved by JPJ for your car!

It goes without saying that you also need a lot of money the H! A helicopter can reach the price of several million ringgits and the maintenance costs are also exorbitant!

Well, if you can not afford the real deal, you can still buy a helicopter online

[Test]    A private island, a helicopter, a house and other crazy and random things you can buy online in Malaysia - WORLD OF BUZZ 2

3. LED lights for your toilet bowl. Wait what?

[Test]    A peacock, a helicopter, a house and X other crazy and random things that you can buy online - WORLD OF BUZZ 9
Source: WE

If a private island or helicopter is a bit out of your price range but you still want something exclusive, why not use this LED fixture for your toilet bowl?

It's probably one of the most random objects you can find online! I mean, just read the description of the article below:

  • Activated by movement and sensitive to light.
  • The light turns on when you enter and turn off when you leave.
  • Do not stumble in the dark! No more messy cleaning!

Uh, do not they know we can just turn on the lights when we use the toilet?

Well, for those of you who like your toilets to be colorful and fun, that 's the product to buy then! That goes well with this Potty Putter Toilet mini golf game, do not you think?

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Source: Lazada

4. The "bag for dad": a banana bag for a hairy belly!

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Source: Lazada

This seemingly disturbing and well-known item, Daddy's Bag, is a banana bag designed to look like a dirty, hairy gut protruding from your shirt. However, do not worry, because in reality, it's just a practical handbag that contains your essentials!

But the funny thing about this list of articles is that it's unisex!

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Source: Lazada

So, if you like your partner to have a little more belly, you know what to get for Christmas this year

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Source: Lazada

5. The house of your dreams!

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Source: Mah Sing

Oh yeah, you read it well! You probably never knew that you could actually buy an online house in Malaysia, is not it?

Gone are the days when you must go through the sadness of visiting estate agents and browse many real estate listings to find your dream home. Now it's as easy as buying items online!

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How is this possible, you could ask? Well, all thanks to a great collaboration between Mah Sing and Lazada!

In fact, this collaboration makes Mah Sing first developer in Southeast Asia that allows buyers to buy a house online!

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Get this, you will also get an exclusive 5% incentive, worth up to RMB 30,000, when you order Mah Sing units on Lazada!

So how does it work? Well, it's very simple, follow the steps below:

1. Visit the Mah Sing LazMall page and browse the homes eligible for the 5% Lazada incentive.

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2. Go to the nearest Mah Sing sales gallery and contact your banker to determine your eligibility for a loan.

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3. Go to the Mah Sing LazMall page from December 10th to December 12th to secure your transaction.

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4. Once the transaction is secure, Mah Sing will contact you to finalize the documentation of your booking.

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5. Sign your SPA and the house of your dreams will be yours!

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Wah so easy and practical! Hurry up, all units are sold on a first-come, first-served basis!

For more information on Mah Sing's projects and units available for purchase on Lazada this 12.12, click here!

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