Measles outbreak attributed to father who admits he does not vaccinate children because of autism


Vancouver is currently facing a measles outbreak and nine cases have been confirmed this month. The epidemic seems to be centered on the city's schools, with several cases reported in French-language schools in the area.

Emmanuel Bilodeau, a man, thinks that his son could be at the origin of the epidemic. He told CBC News that his son, for whom he had chosen not to be vaccinated, had caught measles during a trip to Vietnam earlier in the year, before bringing her back to Canada. . Here it has spread around two schools sharing a bus company.

Bilodeau says that he has not vaccinated any of his three children, fearing that vaccines will cause autism (which they do not do). The other two children were contaminated with measles shortly after his first son began to show symptoms and were taken to the local hospital.

"We were worried about 10 or 12 years ago because of the MMR vaccine debate," he told CBC News. "The doctors were researching the link between the MMR vaccine and autism, so we were a little worried."

Bilodeau explained that he was not an anti-vaxxer, but he wanted to find "a vaccine that was administered in another shot, so that it was not as effective for the ### 39, child. "

Bilodeau says that he now knows that there is no link between vaccination and autism. A totally discredited study done by a physician struck off the medical record of serious professional misconduct in which he conducted the study, is probably at the root of the profoundly denied myth that vaccines are at risk. Origin of autism. The continuity of the myth is probably due to the fact that autism is usually diagnosed between 18 months and 2 years. It is at this point that the symptoms begin to manifest themselves. Coincidentally, it is recommended to vaccinate children against measles, mumps and rubella.

The hospital that treats his sons has confirmed the measles in his youngest son, while the other children of Bilodeau await the results of their blood tests.

Getting the MMR vaccine will not cause autism, but not receiving vaccines can lead to serious complications. Measles includes brain damage and death. Mumps can cause inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Rubella, for pregnant women, can lead to miscarriage and babies born with serious congenital anomalies Measles cases worldwide have doubled last year. We strongly recommend that you get vaccinated against them as soon as possible if you are not already immunized.

If you have parents who are reluctant to get vaccinated and want to know how to protect yourself (as more and more children), check out our guide on how to get vaccinated without your parents' permission.


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