Another exclusive article Red Dead Redemption 2 will soon be hidden in GTA Online


A hatchet to match your gold weapon

While everyone is waiting patiently Red Dead Redemption 2 Rockstar began slowly revealing exclusive elements of the game through its other superproduction, Grand Theft Auto . At the end of last year, GTA Online players had the chance to unlock John Marston's golden revolver by completing a treasure hunt (this event is still available)

It seems that Rockstar is preparing Round Two. Although they are not yet officially announced, savvy players have sifted the files of the latest update "After Hours" to discover that there is another crossover Red Dead that arrives soon enough. This time, it's for a stone ax.

This video shows exactly what will be needed for the ax to unblock. Players will receive a text from Maude Eccles, who is an NPC. She will have a bunch of bonuses to complete. Once five bonuses have been made, players will receive a set of coordinates that will lead to an exploded bus with a brown crate hidden inside. This is where the hatchet rests. It takes place at around 46:15 in the video

However, this will only unlock the hatchet in GTA Online ; there is still some extra footwork to get Red Dead Redemption 2 . Now, get 25 killed with the hatchet on anything in Los Santos. His Rampage ability makes this feat even easier, as it makes you temporarily invincible if you accumulate a series of Kills.

Once everything is done – probably about an hour of work – you will have a stone ax on your when you start [Red Dead Redemption 2] in October, assuming your Rockstar Social Club account is properly connected. But, this event is not even happening yet technically. This should be done soon enough. Some people just jumped the weapon – err, ax – a little this time.

The Dead Hatchet Mission of Read Dead Redemption at GTAO [reddit]

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