Capcom is "proud" of the Ninja DmC Game theory says DMC5 Producer


  ninja theory dmc

The theory of Ninja DmC: Devil May Cry remains divisional among the fans. On one side, the fight is stellar and the visuals are impressive. On the other side of the piece is a departure from Dante's characterization and the primordial narrative that still makes many annoyances. Apparently, the team behind Devil May Cry 5 knows of these states of mind and is working to expand on the foundation laid by DMC1 ] 4 . However, that does not mean that the work of Ninja Theory does not matter. In fact, Capcom is proud of the 2013 title.

In an interview, Devil May Cry 5 producer says VG247 "[ Devil May Cry 5 ] is definitely a game for fans.We have heard fans ask for a sequel to the history of DMC4 for over ten years.But this is not at all a Ninja theory or DmC at all We all like DmC . "

Walker goes on to say that Hideaki Itsuno, his game director, and his team have learned a lot from working alongside Ninja Theory in the development process. Ninja Theory has left an indelible mark on the series

Itsuno-san himself explicitly stated that in his mind, DmC is just as important as all other titles in the series, and he is just as proud of that. This game had an extraordinary world that could only be produced by the incredible artists and fantasies of Ninja Theory.

We learned a lot by working with Ninja Theory on this title, and we hope that they have benefited in some cases. way as well. Hisuno-san has repeatedly emphasized in his conversations with me that he took what he learned while working on DmC and applied what he specifically learned to what we did on DMC5 . ] Yet, while the teachings of DmC are applied, DMC5 strictly means following the route traced by the first four installments of the franchise. Walker points out,

As mentioned earlier, Itsuno-san learned from all our experience about all the games DMC including DmC. That being said, following DMC4 I think you can expect DMC5 to further develop the battle philosophies established in DMC1-4 .

Itsuno-san wants to make the absolute best action game he can, so he will use his experience and that of the team to achieve his goal.

[Source: VG247]

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