Cursed sails adds new depths to the sea of ​​thieves


Cursed Sails is the latest in a long list of free content updates for Sea of ​​Thieves and will present a new ship, new enemies and an alliance system allowing crews to team up and share the loot.
Since 1945 Sea of ​​Thieves lifted anchor for the first time in March, more than four million players have sailed in the Rare pirate playground.

largely to the Xbox Xflix-style Game Pass service), but despite the healthy adoption, it is fair to say that the game has received a mixed response up here.

Some players clearly like his light spirit of adventure, free-roaming structure and emphasis on social interaction and exploration. Others, however, have found the world sparse and empty, its repetitive quests and – ironically for the game based on the deep blue sea – have criticized it for being too superficial. Many have abandoned the boat and even the hardcore fans of the game have shown signs of mutiny.

To their credit, the Rare development team took into account all the feedback – positive and negative – and responded by deploying a steady stream of content updates, regularly adding new features and elements. gameplay to expand the world and attract crews for other captivating adventures.

* Ships and Enigmas: Navigating the Sea of ​​Thieves
* Hands-on with Sea of ​​Thieves
* Ted Timmins on Making the Adventure epic pirate of Rare

The last of these developments, Cursed Sails just started on Xbox and Windows 10, adding a new type of ship, a new scary threat to intelligence artificial and an innovative alliance system to encourage cooperation between crews (and treason)

For executive producer Joe Neate, keep the good ship of Thieves on a keel pair has been a journey of discovery – and the challenge of developing fresh content for a continuous "game as a service" means that he is always very comfortable at HQ from Rare to Twycross.

"It's weird, start a service. It's very different from the kind of approach "fire and forget". which some people might be used to. Even when you finally get to start, it's really just the beginning, "says Neate

  Rare executive producer Joe Neate says producing content for an ongoing game like Sea of ​​Thieves is a work without Neate says producing content for an ongoing game like Sea of ​​Thieves is an endless job </p>
<p>  "Not only do you have to make sure the game is working properly and people appreciate it, but you are also working on new content. and new features. </p>
<p>  "With <em> Cursed Sails </em> about to go out, we still have the same buzz as at the launch: you wait, wait for people to start playing" </p>
<p>  and comments from the <em> Sea of ​​Thieves community </em> were a key factor in designing new content for the Game. So the first Rare "roadmap" of the post-launch expansions was to be completely abandoned as the team traced a new course through unexplored waters </p>
<div id=   By the Numbers: Sea of ​​Thieves is the most successful new IP launched by Microsoft's Xbox One era. 19659016] By the numbers: Sea of ​​Thieves is the most successful new IP launched by Microsoft in the era of Xbox One. </p>
<p>  "After our launch, we had a lot of players and a lot of returns We sat in a room and watched the roadmap that we had for post-launch content and we asked ourselves: 'Is this really what people want?' And I think the answer to that question was no, so we actually tore up our roadmap and we started again, "said Neate </p>
<p>" We looked for new ways to play, new goals and new ways to enrich the trip. example, the skeletal vessels that we present in <em> Cursed Sails </em> have never been in our plans, we were always very open with the community on the fact that we wanted every ship you see at the [crewed by] horizon of other players, but we had to rethink that by basing ourselves on the way we saw people and the comments we received. </p>
<p>    <br />
<div id=      Cursed Sails 'new skeletal vessels give a whole new meaning to the idea of ​​

Cursed Sails' new skeletal vessels give a whole new meaning to the idea of ​​"skull and crossbones" .

Neate says that pirate crews will have to think differently and adapt their approach to overcome the challenge posed by ghost ships that terrorize the outposts of the game.

"Skeletal ships are armed with damned cannonballs – sometimes you will see one with a purple runway, if that strikes your boat, it locks the steering wheel in place.Others can make the whole crew drunk or sick, then you have to deal with all these effects while you are in combat.

"Also, boarding the skeletal ships comes with its own threats because everyone is shooting at you, you're dodging cannonballs and total chaos, "Neate says

 crews used to confront ...

Skeleton ships firing cannonballs represent an entirely new challenge for pirate crews accustomed to confronting human adversaries

The new AI ships are at the heart of the Cursed Sails story that runs for a limited time and is expected to fundamentally change the way players interact with merchants and traders.

"The Campaign Cursed Sails attracts a lot of players to face this new threat, the world," said Neate.

"These ships posed their challenges on every outpost: the NPCs are all terrified, they have climbed into their stores, and because of fear and terror they have reduced their prices at all levels."

The new story is a direct response to players who thought that the world needed more than treasure hunts and quests to keep them invested and interested. "19659005]" We have incorporated all this into tradition and legend from the "Cursed Sails" campaign to flesh out the world, "said Neate

" It's something that players respond well but at the same time it still works. with the emergent nature of Sea of ​​Thieves Even if you follow the same paths towards the same goals, your story will still unfold differently along the way. "

Another feature introduced in the expansion is a new ship – the briganti A new brigantine vessel, designed for crews of three, offers a middle ground between the giant galleon and the humble sloop.

  19659037] The new brigantine ship, designed for crews of three, offers a middle ground between the giant galleon and the humble sloop. </p>
<p>  "The brigantine feels really good – he is very much in the middle. It has fewer cannons than a galleon but more than a sloop, handling is a bit between the two. It only has one floor to fill with water, so it is very vulnerable from the point of view of damage, but it takes more water than a sloop. </p>
<p>  The introduction of an entirely new ship represented a major challenge for the development team. Like everything else in Sea of ​​Thieves, Neate said it would be good to refine his performance over time. </p>
<p>  "[The brigantine] takes a little time to get used to just because it's so different but it's like it's just balance. We'll look at it when we're up and we'll see how many people are around the new ship, do people think it's too much or not enough, do we need to change something like the speed of handling or turning? " 19659004] "We did a lot of in-house testing with our pioneers who are some of our most engaged players who see new content earlier, but some of that stuff you do not see until it's up to date. in nature. </p>
<p>  Cooperation and friendship training have always been an important part of the Sea of ​​Thieves experience, and Neate believes that the new alliance system has the potential to transform completely the social side of the game. </p>
<p>  "What we wanted to do was give people a formal way to build an alliance," he said. </p>
<div id=   Ah, there, matey! Raise a friendly flag and the new Cursed Sails alliance system will automatically accompany you ...

Oh dear, matey! Raise a friendly flag and the new Cursed Sails alliance system will automatically accompany you with a friendly team on another ship.

"For the moment, players who do not try to fight use all the tools they have to show it: they raise their guns or hoist a flag more friendly than the Jolly Roger or use the trumpet to communicate. 19659004] "Covenants uses a flag system where someone raises a flag that matches yours and you are close enough, you will receive a contextual notification telling you that you have formed an alliance." You will be visible on the cards of the cards. others and you can go on quests together and the rewards will be shared between the crews

  Friend or foe? Forming alliances allows you to share the loot with other crews but alliances are made for ...

Friend or Foe? Forming alliances allows you to share the adventure loot with other crews, but the alliances are made to be broken.

All this r more like Sea of ​​Friends than Sea of ​​Thieves but Neate was keen to point out that it would not be a pirate game without the possibility of a little skulduggery

"Even if you are in an alliance, you will always have a friendly shot. You will still be able to hurt yourself and there is still room for betrayal. We wanted these alliances to be uncomfortable – there is always a possibility of mutiny. It'll be fun to see how it's played. "

Despite the deployment of new features, Sea of ​​Thieves's fundamental concept remains the same: giving players the freedom to create their own unique high seas adventures without restricting their imagination or their creativity.

  If you spot a giant R by exploring the high seas, it's a sign that the ship belongs to Joe

If you spot a giant R by exploring the high seas, this 39; is a sign that the ship belongs to Joe "Three Sheets" Neate or one of his fellow development in Rare.

"We know what we want, we want it to create more stories interesting. The fact that you can have cooperative adventures but that you still have this chance of piracy and that people enjoy this trust, and people will do it. "

" Although the addition of new features makes the game richer, it is the players themselves that make it the richest. It was amazing how the community grew and evolved around the vision we always had.

While it is clear that the new extensions are designed to entice existing players to stay, Neate believes that Cursed Sails is an ideal opportunity for those who have not sailed on the Sea of ​​Thieves.

"There is no better time to enter and learn to play Sea of ​​Thieves and make new friends," he said

"Our player base has never been so rich. There are pirate legends coming out that help new players and we have designed the game so that it is quite possible. People are very welcoming to new players. You can be in solo sloop and meet people. "

" There are a lot of new features and a new campaign that's going to be fun. Last week, I tweeted a big thread from the experiences I had while meeting people.

With another expansion, Forsaken Shores, scheduled for September, there is even more new content on the horizon and Neate said the Rare team is still fully "Beyond Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores we really want to do more in terms of enriching quests and story enrichment ", A said Neate.

"These are exciting times, we are just beginning and as a studio and as a team, we can not wait to see how far we can take it."

                     – References

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