Google Translate turns into voice of misfortune – with the help of you reo Māori


  Reddit users have discovered the scary twist by typing nonsensical messages in Google's translation tool, ...

123RF [19659004] Type absurd messages in Google's translation tool, change the language to Maori, and then translate the message into English.

We all know that the Internet has a lot of weird and wonderful corners, but it's perhaps one of the most bizarre phenomena.

The combination of te reo Māori and Google Translate can turn your web browser into a voice of misfortune.

Reddit users have discovered the spooky side of translating nonsensical messages into Google's translation tool, changing the language to Maori, and then translating the message into English

  Google Translation Spits Apocalyptic Messages with the help of Te Reo.


Google Translation spits out apocalyptic messages with the help of Te Reo.

Typing the word "dog" in Google 18 times provides this astounding message: "Doomsday Clock is from three minutes to noon, we are experiencing dramatic characters and developments around the world, indicating that we are getting closer and closer. the End Times and the Return of Jesus. "


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Similar messages can be produced when translating other languages ​​with small text collections such as Hawaiian or Somali.

But what causes this glitch Google indescribable? It is likely that the strange results are caused by "neural automatic translation".

Computer translation systems are based on a large number of texts, converting first in a different language and then matching with another. "Models are black boxes, which are learned from many training instances that you can find," Andrew Rush, a Harvard professor who studies natural language processing and computer translation, said: Motherboard . The vast majority of them will look like human language, and when you give a new one, it is driven to produce something, at any cost, that also looks like human language

"However, if you give it something very different, the best translation will be something still fluid, but not connected at all to the input. "


But why do religious results predict the End Times?

Sean Colbath, a senior scientist at BBN Technologies, said that it is possible that Google used religious texts such as the Bible that was translated into several languages, to program its translation models.

– Tips and Tricks

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