Here's another chance to buy a new Ford GT on the horizon | Drive


  The Ford GT & 67 Heritage Edition 2018. - AFP pic
The Ford GT & # 39; 67 Heritage Edition 2018. – AFP pic

LONDON, July 18 – If you are one of those disappointed people who have missed up to now the purchase of & # 39; One of the latest generation models of the Ford GT, another opportunity has just opened. Instead of resorting to the inflated secondary market, order books are now open for the 2019 GT, which will be the third over four model years of the current Ford GT after Ford has extended production until 2020.

As in previous years of both models, there is not really a glut, as there are only 250 construction sites for the 2019 model year. Buyers will also have to jump through the same hoops as before Ford will agree to sell them one. On the plus side, those who have applied before and have been rejected are not prohibited from re-applying. Those who have not been previously approved are encouraged to update their apps and try again, of course with new customers.

If you are not familiar with the application process, this involves answering the survey questions and showing your Ford connections and any Ford collection you may already have. And if you really, really, want to secure one of the slots, you also have the opportunity to submit a publicly available 60-second video showing what Ford calls "Your Style." When the first batch of GTs went on sale buyers with $ 450,000 US (RMB 1.882 million) to spend trying to prove that they would be Ford's ultimate ambassador. Needless to say, there were some real "must see" videos among these apps.

Unfortunately, despite such limited production, the company responsible for providing the cars is behind schedule overall construction. Multimatic needed more time than expected to reach the point where it could produce the promised car a day, which means that only 138 of the 250 specimens of the 2017 model year were built. Ford is still engaged in a global production over the four model years of 1,000 units, so although delivery times are delayed, all deliveries will be made, eventually. – AFP-Relaxnews

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