Lenovo pushes the HP PC PC market grows for the first time in six years – channelnews


Hewlett Packard was sidelined by Lenovo in the PC market as the notebook market grows for the first time in six years, according to a new Gartner report.

Deliveries for the second quarter of this year "Gartner adds," This is the first quarter of global growth in PC shipments since the first quarter of 2012 "[6]. 19659002] Lenovo was the # 1 supplier last quarter, posting shipments of 13.6 million PCs, just ahead of HP over 13.58 million. It was a round for Lenovo, which had finished just behind HP in the same quarter of 2017 – 12.8 million HP this time, 12.3 million for Lenovo.

For the current year, Dell was in third place with 10.45 million units, followed by Apple over 4.3 million. Both were also up slightly from the second quarter of 2017.

Mikako Kitagawa, senior analyst at Gartner, said growth in the last quarter largely reflected demand in the corporate market, although offset by lower deliveries in the consumer sector. "In the consumer sector, the fundamental market structure, due to changes in the behavior of PC users, remains and continues to influence market growth." Consumers use their smartphones for even more tasks daily, such as social media verification, agenda, banking and shopping, reducing the need for a mainstream PC

"In the business sector, when the peak of replacement for Windows 10. PC vendors should look for ways to maintain growth in the business market as the Windows 10 upgrade cycle. "

Gartner notes that PC shipments in Asia / Pacific total 21.3 million units.

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