Loot boxes do not play, say French regulators


The French regulatory body ARJEL has determined that booty boxes in video games do not constitute a form of gambling. However, the government authority noted in a 2017 activity report -2018 (via Kitgaru) that the issue needs to be examined more closely and recommended that Europe reach a consensus on how to handle loot boxes.

ARJEL is specifically online gambling authority in France, making this issue his area of ​​expertise. He found that loot boxes are not games of chance because the objects have no real value. The Netherlands has recently come to a different conclusion because of the existence of third-party sellers. ARJEL disagrees, stating that as long as the promoter does not participate in the sale and is diligent in prohibiting resale, he can not be held legally responsible as a flat seller. form of play.

on practice. He rejected the loot boxes as a form of online gambling, but acknowledged problems with the introduction of random elements and the risks it could pose to young players. In particular, he noted that the justification that the loot boxes still contain an object does not dissipate the risk, because the game usually consists of giving players the feeling that they have barely missed a jackpot.

The call for a unified solution in Europe may be more difficult than it appears. The Netherlands and Belgium said that booty boxes were games, while the United Kingdom and New Zealand did not agree. A report from the European Forum of Game Regulators (GREF)

has recently been a hot topic among US lawmakers, in part due to the backlash of Star Wars Battlefront 2. Senators have pushed for an investigation, and a Hawaii's state representative called the practice "ridiculously exploitative". EA completed the microtransactions in Battlefront 2 for a while, then brought back a refocused version on cosmetic items. The company seems burned by the experience and keeps from touching this hot stove again, as it announced that Battlefield 5 would have no more boxes of loot.

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