Microsoft to dump Windows 10 smaller delta updates


Microsoft will stop broadcasting one of three types of Windows 10 updates, stating that the updates have been replaced by an even smaller and more efficient format.

Delta updates should disappear stop acting on February 12, 2019, the Patch of the month. Two formats will remain then: Full Update and Express Update

The Delta Updates are those that include only those components that have changed since the update was made. last month. the updates include the full component that has changed – say, the application Notepad – and no only the individual files that make up the component, they are larger than the express updates , which only deliver the modified files

and which IT company is most interested, is that the express updates are smaller than the delta updates, which in turn are smaller than the updates complete

According to Mike Benson, a member of the Windows team the update generally weighs from 150 MB to 200 MB, compared to 300 MB to 500 MB.

That is, the express updates are between 33 and 70 percent smaller than the delta updates

. "Delta updates were originally created because the Express Update Protocol was only available for devices that connect directly to Windows Update or Windows Server Update Services," Benson writes in a report. article of July 11 .

In January 2017, Microsoft gave access to third-party update management providers to the Express protocol, but continued to: offer delta updates to "Give businesses and third-party update management tools the time to implement the support," says Benson.

Stopping updates in February – the latest will be released in January – makes sense, according to Benson patch products will have had two years to get with the express program. And he added that the elimination of update formats "would reduce the complexity for IT administrators."

(Report Gregg Keizer, Computerworld)

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