OK Google, tell me about the end of days when the world dies in fire and ice


GOOGLE TRANSLATE has become the latest AI tinted service to start misbehaving in a somewhat disturbing manner.

Clearly, heat comes to Babel's venerable digital tower, when she begins to vomit.

Set it to translate Maori (New Zealand native) to English. Type "dog" 16 times in a box. Prepare to panic.

Yes. Google Translate has begun to predict the end of the world. Different numbers of repetitions of "dog" subtly change the sentence, but the message is clear:

"Doomsday Clock is three minutes to twelve We live characters and dramatic developments in the world, which indicate that we Let's Approach the End Times and the Return of Jesus "

So, how is Google able to predict the end of days?

Well, we are not sure. But this is not an isolated incident. Try again "dog" – this time eight times, from Hawaiian to English

Or you type a group of "Ag" and translate it to Somali.

The Reddit community decided that it had to be demons, because that is Reddit and of course they did it.

In reality, it seems more likely that it is a somewhat misguided Easter egg, or an error in the translation algorithm. Given the religious connotations of the three, you're probably looking at some insider fun – maybe using the same techniques as last week when readers decided to start tagging Donald Trump's photos with the word "silly" Google is still to explain, but the news coincides with a recent statement by Sundar Pachai, highlighting the translation rate of words of Google Translate 143 billion every day after a wave (Serge?) During the Cup of the world.

Speaking of which – the last time this happened, some jetsters changed "Russian Federation" to translate "Mordor".

Although some messages already appear to have been & # 39; fixed – there is still there, ready to be gawped. Enjoy. μ

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