Red Dead Redemption 2 Online Monetization is Not Our Primary Concern – CEO of Take-Two


Their philosophy is that if you play well, people will keep coming back.

  Red Dead Redemption 2

We are at a point where games-in-service become an important part of our industry, so much so that most developers and publishers are actively seeking to create games that fall into this category. Of course, the benefits are obvious: the constant engagement of players leads to consistent revenue, and so we see GaaS elements entering most single-player games at this point.

However, this is not the approach Red Dead Redemption 2 will take. In an interview with Game Daily, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick said he does not have the mentality of wanting to play a GaaS game, because he does not think that's the reality. According to Zelnick, if you make a great game that people like to start with, whether solo or multiplayer, keeping them with future support will be done naturally.

"Our interest is not the games-like-service or a player or multiplayer or episodic," Zelnick said. "Our interest is to captivate and attract consumers with the best entertainment we can do, and if we do that, and we give consumers even more good things to do, it should work well, and of course revenues and profits will follow.

"My concern is that, looked back," We want to make games-as-a service "misses the point. We are in the entertainment business, and there is no reason to believe that consumers have lost interest in solo mode if the solo player is good. There is no reason to believe that you can create a service [that sells] if the service is not great.

"We said we wanted to engage consumers after the initial release, but that's still our goal, but you can only do it if the initial experience is great. case, then the people [won’t] want more. "

Zelnick then spoke a little about the support Red Dead Redemption 2 will receive after the launch, including things such as regular versions of DLC , as well as Red Dead Online which will be similar to the uber-successful online component that came with Grand Theft Auto V.

"We Have ] Red Dead arrived online, and Rockstar announced that, so clearly, this was to be the expression of a continuing commitment after the initial sale, "he said." What we n & # 39; 39, we have not spoken, it is monetization, because it is not our main concern. Our main concern is to keep consumers engaged. "

To be fair, what he says is quite logical.Of course, when you think about it, the end result ends up being the same, but the approach adopted by Rockstar and Take- Two with constant support for their game means that, hopefully, all the content we are going to receive is going to be top. "And really, there's no reason to doubt the developers – their post-launch support for GTA Online speaks for itself, given its success and popularity over a period of years .

Red Dead Redemption 2 is launched on the 26 October for PS4 and Xbox One

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