The slides will have a slight monetization, says Todd Howard


Bethesda brings a new Elder Scrolls game to mobile devices in the fall of 2018, and this all-new RPG will be playable entirely for free. Obviously, free-to-play games often have reservations, some game developers opting for ridiculous monetization plans to make a quick profit. Apparently, players can rest easy that The Elder Scrolls: Blades will not implement anti-consumer practices, Bethesda seeking to maintain a lightweight approach to monetization.

Confessing to, Todd Howard said Bethesda hopes to maintain the same "lighter touch with monetization" than Fallout Shelter for his upcoming The Elder Scrolls: Blades. For Howard, monetization strategies should not be limited to time-based microtransactions and should consider "many areas of attack".

"How to keep someone who plays a lot at the game?" Howard said. "How do we give them value beyond a timer, give us some money?"

Howard also hopes to be successful in exploiting the Chinese mobile gaming market. Unlike other parts of the world, China likes heavy microtransaction games with a pay-to-win model. Whatever it is, Howard believes that The Elder Scrolls: Blades is a perfect choice for the Chinese market. "It's one of those things where if you look at Chinese games, people will tell you that they have to be like that, they have to have that artistic style, they need shit all over the place." screen … But Blades, there's nothing else!

You can explore different villages, take quests, rebuild your city and get into PvP with The Elder Scrolls: Blades on Android and iOS, Fall 2018.

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