Todd Howard on VR: "Historically, the third generation is where it is starting to become popular"


One might think that the hype around virtual reality has cooled, but it's a rebound year for AR and VR headsets, so believes International Data Corporation. Bethesda director, Todd Howard, also seems to be investing in virtual reality

Speaking to Venturebeat (via Shack News) at Gamelab, Howard says he prefers virtual reality to augmented reality and that it's more like a reality. he is confident in the attractiveness of the material. "I'm a little more VR than AR," explains Howards to VB. "We did Fallout and Skyrim in VR, we are about to enter the second generation of the RV.Over the times, the third generation is starting to become popular."

Currently, Bethesda has Fallout 76, The Elder Scrolls: Blades, Starfield, and The Elder Scrolls 6 at various stages of development. Looking ahead, Howard is excited by the fact that "games are succeeding everywhere now" and says that it is crucial for the health of the industry.

"The idea is to stay ambitious," Howard adds. "Playing safely is the worst way to do things Morrowind was hard, it was the first time we went in console, if it did not work well, the company was probably out of business, Oblivion was really difficult. I liked this phrase in the movie Shakespeare in Love: How's it going to work? I do not know, but it always does. "

Elsewhere, Howard says that Starfield was designed ten years ago by the Bethesda Creative Team.This full-time job began after the Fallout 4 expedition." Starfield is also the first franchise on which Howard worked from the very beginning.

"We come back and reinterpret and replay the old games," says Howard to VB. "The difference with Starfield, is that it does not work. there is no one to go down to, ideas were everywhere on the map, I love the "plus one" suites as a player, I do not like to do them. "

View Venturebeat's chat with Todd Howard at Gamelab this way.

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