Why Progressive Web Applications (PWA) could ultimately benefit Google more than Microsoft


Image Credit: David Breyer

Google and Microsoft are fierce competitors in AI, productivity tools, research and more. In addition, Google's refusal to bring its proprietary applications to Windows Phone was a strategic blow that contributed to its bad adoption.

Faced with this troubled history and this current rivalry, it is ironic that Jeffrey Burtoft of Microsoft, Senior Director of Partner Experience Applications, reached out to Google to forge a partnership in the development of progressive web application standards (PWA). Google has introduced service technicians or scripts that run in the background in its web application solution that has reduced the use of system resources, allowing the PWA to run efficiently. Microsoft was intrigued by Google's approach that seemed superior to its own Windows Universal Web application strategy.

Microsoft had invested in a Windows Westminster Web Application Bridge, which it merged with Google's PWA solution after the merger of the two. Although this partnership seems to be the best chance for Microsoft to fill the lack of applications, Google could benefit even more.

Related: PWAs, the Great Equalizer

Microsoft PWA Potential

Microsoft Needs PWA, Centennial Applications and the Entire Universal Windows Platform (UWP ) to succeed. Ironically, the company's historical lack of support for its ecosystem is counter-intuitive to the resources it has and the disastrous state in which this ecosystem has languished. Microsoft's collaboration with Google for a partnership probably reflected a sense of desperation for a strategy that he realizes is a "Catch 22" that would benefit his own ecosystem while increasing the growing threat of Android and Chrome for Windows

. the Microsoft Store with a plethora of applications. Certainly, some categories of applications do not translate well for PWAs, and PWAs may not have the quality or functionality of dedicated applications. Yet, if the strategy is successful, the PWA will greatly benefit cellular PCs, the Microsoft Surface Go LTE category (and the OEM devices it inspires) and the Microsoft Project Andromeda Pocket PC category [19659008]. is forced to highlight the productivity aspects of their laptop since the touch-centric mobile platform (even for 2-in-1 with detachable keyboards) is weak. Surface Go has the same weakness. The PWAs give hope that the whole of the Windows 10 ecosystem would benefit, especially since Windows 10 treats them as native universal applications. Such a result would make Windows PCs connected from Microsoft, especially smaller mobile devices such as Surface Go or Surface Andromeda, more relevant.

Google PWA play

Android is the most used mobile platform in a mobile system. personal computer world. PWAs would benefit Google by reducing the need to download applications that consume space and are often ignored once downloaded.

In addition, the mobile web and search are still widely used to accomplish tasks despite millions of apps. PWAs, which combine websites with the user interface and other benefits of dedicated applications, optimize this web-centric user behavior. The search for Google and A.I. Fortés could help make PWA in the Android and Chrome ecosystem a fast, transparent and rich experience.

In addition, if PWAs become a "standard" computing experience, the effectiveness and appeal of the Chromebook could be improved. Although they are not as popular outside of the US education sector, Chromebooks are a growing segment. PWAs as part of Chrome make these devices even more practical.

double-edged success PWAs

Image credits: David Breyer

As personal computing becomes more connected, Google browser Chromebooks and web-based tools make the Personal computer strategy connected a forward-thinking vision in some ways. Combined with Android's dominance of mobile, PWA's app-web solution fundamentally improves Google's personal computing strategy by experimenting with millions of popular Android phones, and Chromebooks behave like native apps.

Microsoft would delay Surface Andromeda to refine the operating system. the Windows ecosystem with PWA. Although PWAs may be the best opportunity for Microsoft to fill the lack of apps, they are also Google's tool for making Chromebooks more relevant and Android and Chrome more powerful.

With the current imbalance of ecosystems, Google can only hope

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