– LSD bought for twelve years in downtown Stavanger


"It's obviously very disturbing.

On Saturday night, the Stavanger police announced that a twelve-year-old girl had been taken care of by a medical staff after receiving LSD.

The police have reported to the police the parents of the police, who are now investigating who sold the narcotic to the schoolboy, "Stavanger Aftenblad said.

Police officer Kathrine Sæland Rotseth, head of Stavanger's prevention section, told the paper that the girl had bought the drug in downtown Stavanger.

"It's obviously very disturbing when such a young girl is taking LSD." Now the police are trying to find out who she bought the fabric from, says Rotseth.

Rotseth also worries that LSD seems to be a trend among young people. Not long ago, police arrested 180 doses of LSD from a user in a 17-year-old man in Stavanger.

She says they're going to be carrying on a 12-year affair.

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