Expenditure of one billion investments in Tydal after the budget agreement reached between the KrF and the government


The case is being updated.

Two contracts for billions of securities were therefore lost after the government parties Right, Frp, Left and KrF decided to introduce a complete electricity tax for datacenters using cryptocurrency, including the bitcoin, writes E24.

Erik Vennemoe, of NTC Services, said he had assisted a global customer who would start in Tydal, but that client had now dropped out of the project.

"When it came from the government, our customer was regularly scared," Vennemoe told E24.

The website also recently reported that the owners of Troll Housing in Fræna (Romsdal) had lost one billion agreement after the data center was put on hold after the government's expansion.

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– The last thing we need

Regional Director Tord Link of NHO Trøndelag announces the decision to change the fees for the industry with just five weeks notice for the night budget curling, which creates a nose thief for companies.

"We're seeing another change in the framework conditions coming out of nowhere that has probably not been well thought out, we really had hoped to avoid this year, the last thing we need are surprises. This has consequences in Nordland, Trøndelag and the west of Norway, explains Lien.

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– The need is growing

He believes that companies need stable and predictable framework conditions first and foremost.

"It's been a relatively short time since we welcomed the investments in data center capacity in Norway, because the needs will increase dramatically in the future." It's best to have it in source countries. When the industry reacts and investments are about to occur, one turns in. This type of unpredictability kills investments considerably, says Lien.

– Push

Stortings representative Henrik Asheim (H) defends the budget agreement between the KrF and the government parties.

– This is a unanimous vote that believes. Complete electricity charges for data processing centers that extract cryptovaluta should probably have been removed sooner or later. The fact that some companies are withdrawing is obvious, because they would exploit mining in bitcoins, he says at E24.

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