This excavator SUV has four engines and a 180-kilowatt battery


There are still new players in the electric car market and few of them have names that sound like bells among those who do not follow what is happening in the auto industry.

Rivian is definitely such a name. They launched a pair of electric cars, currently only concepts, that they plan to put into production. More precisely, the cars are sensational.

And although Rivian is not a name everyone knows, there is no new business. The company was established in 2009, is owned in Michigan in the United States and has 600 employees.

Spoken since 2011 – launched this week

At the same time, they claim to launch cars since 2011. None of these have been produced. The last is that they will make electric cars now. A year ago, they announced that they should put an SUV and a pickup truck (or a truck as the Americans say). The pickup and SUV were launched this week.

Both are built on the same platform, sharing most properties. The specification list is of the violent kind.

Cars are built on the same platform.
Cars are built on the same platform. Photo: Riviana

The models are called R1T (truck) and R1S (SUV). They come in three varieties with different battery capacity and motor power.

The edition with it less the battery has 105 kilowatt hours. The engine power is 300 kilowatts (402 hp) and the torque of 560 Newton meters. The range is specified at more than 370 and 386 kilometers respectively.

754 horses

The pickup edition has five seats and a loading plan.
The pickup edition has five seats and a loading plan. Photo: Riviana

The other variants, which have 135 and 180 kilowatts of battery, will be lost and the engine power will be respectively 562 and 522 kilowatts. Thus, 754 and 700 horses.

The range of intermediate flows would exceed 482 kilometers, while for peak flows it would be at least 643 kilometers.

Loading map at R1T.
Loading map at R1T. Photo: Riviana

Then, it starts to have a lot of battery capacity, and probably also violent prices. The batteries are still quite expensive.

It is claimed, for example, that Tesla is reaching a cell price of $ 100 per kilowatt. With such a price, only cells in a 180-kilowatt-hour battery will cost $ 155,000.

A price of 200 USD per kilowatt hour is probably more realistic today, which gives a battery price higher than 300 000 euros.

First car in two years

This is not something that, if it goes into production, becomes an alternative to the masses. But that's not the goal either.

The plan is to deliver the R1T pickup by the end of 2020, then the SUV in early 2021.

If it's something that they can do, obviously, it's obvious to see. But they have money at the back and bought a car factory in Illinois. This has already belonged to Mitsubishi. It does not seem unthinkable that they can get into production.

Four engines and fast acceleration

R1S has seven seats.
R1S has seven seats. Photo: Riviana

In addition to the specifications already mentioned, all cars have a motor that drives each wheel. These have an output power of 147 kilowatts each, although the variants have a different overall output power.

These take cars from zero to 96 kilometers per hour from 3.2 to 4.9 seconds. The maximum speed is 201 kilometers per hour.

These are not small cars. The van has five seats. SUV and seven. The pickup measures 5.4 meters long and weighs a total of 3470 kg. The SUV is 5 meters long and has the same total weight.

Big and heavy

The weight is 2.6 tons for both, so the payload is slightly over 800 kg.

Inside the R1S.
Inside the R1S. Photo: Riviana

And darling, they pull the caravan. The 5-tonne pickup and the 3.5-tonne SUV are named in the specification list.

Cars will come with the biggest batteries, first. The smallest will be available six months to a year after its launch.

The Hurtig load is of course, and can reach 160 kilowatts. The onboard charger is capable of 11 kilowatts.

And of course, they should be able to drive themselves, but you have to stay behind the wheel. Rivian adds to Level 3, which means you can take your hands off the wheel and focus on things other than driving as long as you're ready to regain control at any time.

From 600 000 crowns

The pickup price is initially set at $ 61500 after US power assistance. That would mean $ 69,000. The SUV is indicated at 65,000, or $ 72,500.

A starting price of 600,000 kroner or more, in other words. If they are available for sale in Norway, it is not unthinkable that VAT and other fees are added at this time.

The car can be pre-booked for 1000 dollars in the deposit. However, this is only possible for people with an address in Mexico, Canada or the United States.

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