Affirms that Legane wanted to end the life of an ALS patient with a six-day notice – NRK Møre og Romsdal – Local News, TV and Radio


It was last Thursday, relatives were summoned to a meeting with the doctor at Ålesund Hospital. There, we should have told them that the respirator of the sick father of ALS is extinguished today at 3 pm, which means that the man will therefore die.

This should have been a shock to the woman and the two children who claim that the man wishes to live and expressed it also after he became familiar with the layman's decision.

"That they give him a furrow to the death penalty will be filled with meins we are inhuman and we can not imagine the psychic victims.A totally helpless man must not stand when Timan is patting for full time, write the son in an email to NRK

Meiner's father has a long life

The man depends on the respirator to breathe for five years. In the demanding treatment, they claim that the man lives a dignified and saved life, that he is socially engaged, that he pursues his new duties and that he has the great pleasure of Be right about the lives of children and a grandson.

NRK has spoken to the son and daughter of the man and both are unhappy with the decision and are wondering if there are any formal mistakes in the decision making process. Among other things, they state that they should not have been informed of the right to appeal this decision.

Has named decisive party

Director Torstein Hole of Ålesund Hospital confirms to the NRK that they are renowned for their lawsuits, but do not want to comment on this. In an email addressed to the family, it is stated that the decision maker is appointed and that "it is not appropriate that the treatment be terminated before having a satisfactory process".

Torstein Hole

Professor Torstein Hole confirms that they are dealing with the decision to end respiratory therapy.

Photo: Alf-Jørgen Tyssing / NRK

Once the NRK is aware, sjuhushusleiinga will have to deal with the accused today at 12 o'clock.

County Karin Müller Mikaelsen wins the NRK. In court will be treated by Dei, if Helse Møre og Romsdal is attached to the decision maker.

We note that the son in charge is added to one of the NRK editors.

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