– May think that the UN agreement is bad – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


In the streets of Oslo, right and left activists are fighting the UN agreement on migration. What is this agreement that makes people bark?

"The United Nations migration platform does not derogate from Norwegian law (…) Immigration (…) remains a national responsibility." Current Norwegian regulations allow for the immigration of Works with the qualifications we need, but nothing more. "

The quote above is from the Høyres website. That's why the spokesman for immigration, Jon Helgheim at Frp, sees red.

"The right has stressed the fact that the United Nations migration platform is not legally binding.Then they must think that it is a bad deal," said Helgheim.

The UN agreement on migration is the theme of Thursday's "Debate", during which the Human Rights Department, the Norwegian People's Aid, the FRp, Justice and Minerva meet for a debate.

Helgheim: – That will have consequences

In the migration platform, it is explicitly stated that Norway commits deals with several areas which, according to Helgheim, interfere with the existing Norwegian immigration policy. This concerns, inter alia, relations between migrants in legal and illegal situations and family reunification.

"For us, this agreement has no practical significance, but for other countries, it has a significant impact on countries, for example, by refusing to accept our own citizens while we Let's try to come back, "said Mari Holm Lønseth, parliamentary representative.

Jon Helgheim (Frp)

Jon Helgheim in Frp is somewhat impressed by Mr Højøve's findings on the United Nations migration platform.

Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

Helgheim, meanwhile, thinks that he can not sign the platform and therefore does not implement what he has written.

"You emphasize the fact that the agreement is not binding, so you must also think that you do not want to disagree with what you do not agree with", said Helgheim.

That's Høyres sent disagreement in.

– It's a better way to make a living through international cooperation. I think everyone learned that in 2015, says Lønseth.

The United Nations migration agreement has created a strong involvement in certain environments.

During the weekend, Sian and the Nordic resistance movement staged a protest against the migration agreement. It turned into a massacre when people associated with the anti-fascist militant group attacked members of the Nordic resistance movement.

People from the far right and the extreme left were present during the demonstration and the fight. The police think that no one has been hurt.

Right believes the RPF should stop worrying

Mari Holm Lønseth (right)

Mari Holm Lønseth (H) believes that the United Nations platform on migration is a good starting point for international cooperation on migration.

Photo: Municipality of Trondheim

Mari Holm Lønnseth, right, believes that Frp's concern is unfounded.

"In practice, Norway has done almost everything on the platform, so it has no practical significance, but there will be greater expectations that countries that have not yet completed their work will respect the platform, "Lønseth said.

She says that the 2015 learning is that migration flows around the world are not under control. The United Nations platform on migration offers countries that agree to common frameworks and principles on how to talk about migration and to prevent people from embarking on a dangerous journey, for example from Africa to Europe.

"The reason we emphasize that it is not legally binding, is that the Norwegian immigration policy, control of our own borders and the number of people who will come in Norway, are of course a national problem, "said Lønseth.

Norway puts foot here

Although Lønseth assured that there was no reason to worry, Norway published an alleged explanation of vote. This is a description of how we understand certain parts of the platform.

Here it is stated that Norway, within the platform, will:

  • reserve certain rights and benefits to so-called regular migrants. This means that migrants who stay illegally in Norway can not have access to such rights.
  • Continue with the same rules and regulations as before, for example in matters of immigration and family reunification.
  • detain both adults and minor aliens if we deem it necessary.
  • migrants will not be allowed to export Norwegian social products abroad.

This does not matter to Helgheim.

"If you want to reduce the pressure of immigration and social security, and if you see today immigration problems, you will soon see that this platform will strengthen the problems.

Christian Tybring-Gjedde (Frp), representative of the Stortings, explains that the explanation of vote does not matter. In an Aftenposten article, he writes:

"We hope the right will see the potential pitfalls that a signature will open and that the party will turn around."

Here are the points that Norway has tried to influence on the platform

Norway has actively worked to influence the design of the platform. In this work, Norway asked:

  • the distinction between so-called regular and irregular migrants is maintained. In other words, migrants without legal residence should not be treated on an equal footing with those who have legal residence with respect to, for example, civil service rights. Here Norway has crossed.
  • that the platform should recognize the duty of the individual to withdraw his own citizens if they are sent out of a third country where they do not have a residence permit.
  • that the platform should recognize that not everyone would volunteer in their home country and that forced funds might be needed to send people to their home country. Norway is only partially affected by this.
  • that the platform should not contribute to the increase of social benefits exports. Here, the platform is not as clear as Norway wanted it.
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