Ås receives nearly 800 student furniture – out of three


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On Wednesday, the contract between Veidekke and Student Assembly in Ås (SiÅs) was signed. A total of eight blocks with a total of 795 homes will be built.

The reason is that the Veterinary Institute and the Veterinary College of the Norwegian University of Biological Sciences and the Environment (NMBU) will move to the Ås campus, three kilometers south of Oslo. New habits will be ready for study in the fall of 2020.

Building solid wood provides a significant environmental benefit in terms of reducing CO₂ emissions, write Veidekke and SiÅs in a press release.

– In 2012, Veidekke and we started to build the first two blocks of solid wood student furniture in Norway. It was the beginning of a wave that spread throughout the country. We are proud to have been first and foremost, we will make new giant leaps for students and the environment, "said Einride Berg, Executive Director of SiÅs.

To date, Veidekke has built 1,400 student homes at five sites in Norway. The mission in Ås has a price of nearly 500 million NOK.

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