Avisa Nordland – This can happen if you forget to check the smoke detector


The insurance industry wants you to change the battery on the day of the smoke detector on December 1 st. But a new study that YouGov has done for Frende Insurance shows that many people are barking in fire safety today.

"The people in Oslo and Akershus are the worst at checking the smoke detector, here 20% say they do not remember the last, do not know or never check the smoke detector," says Øystein Øren i Frende, expert in fire.

Trøndere and Northerners are the best in the class. 66% of respondents answered that they checked once or several times a year. 26% responded that they checked if the smoke detector was working properly.

Country by country, four out of ten people leave the day of the smoke detector.

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December was the month with the most fires last year, with a total of 313. So far this year, 28 people have died in the fire, up from 26 in 2017 , figures from the Directorate of Fire Safety and Civil Protection.

The eagle hopes that anyone who has someone close to their heart will send a message or photo with a message to check the smoke detector on December 1st.

– The smoke detector must be tested once a month and every time you are removed from the station. The battery must be replaced once a year, preferably on 1 December, the day the smoke alarm is triggered, "says Janicke Larsen, head of fire prevention at Bergen Brannvesen.

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"The smoke detector can save your life," she says.

– If the fire starts to burn, it is essential to prevent fire in case of fire. If the smoke detector does not work, you can not wake up or wake up the others, "explains Øystein Øren.

The survey shows that if you have family or live with other people, the likelihood that you are concerned about fire safety is greater. Here you tick seven times out of ten one or more times a year.

"It worries us that the majority of young people living alone give the impression that they are making fun of it," says the eagle.

One in five students and one apprentice do not remember if they checked the smoke detector or never did.

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To make sure you and yours, the alert should be tested with smoke.

– Keep a smoke, such as a special stove, a small gas bottle designed for the test, or a telescope that you have just blown under the smoke detector. Is it starting to sound all by yourself, you know it works, says Øystein Øren.

If you simply press the button, you only check that the battery is turned on, not if the smoke detector turns off if it burns.

– A smoke detector more than ten years old should be replaced, is the clear recommendation of Janicke Larsen of the Bergen Fire Department. (ANB)

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