Banks demand answers from Tollefsen


DNB, Nordea and Danske Bank are asking questions about the one billion loans Ivar Tollefsen has been given following the storm around the waiting line of rents over the last two weeks, writes DN. Banks have more than 50 billion crowns of mortgages on Fredenborg rental properties.

Fredensborg was contacted by the big banks that financed the 4,000 Tollefsen apartments in Oslo.

"It was natural to discuss what appeared in the media, including our view of the issues discussed by DN," wrote Anders Tveter, the group's lawyer in Fredensborg.

Other major property operators in Oslo have also been contacted by their banks.

– What has been indicated in the articles concerns all banks that lend money to real estate agents. Banks are worried. There is a lot of upheaval on the market now, says a major housing player.

None of the three banks will comment on the customer relationship with DN.

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