Carlsen can retain the World Cup title with just a reminder



LONDON (VG) In the extreme, Magnus Carlsen (27) can retain the World Cup title without winning a single night in London.

published: Updated: 28.11.18 15:16

This happens if the match is to go to Armageddon and Carlsen shoots black pieces. According to the rules, the man at the black coins won the Armageddon where he handles handed.

"The likelihood of armageddon is very low," says Arne Danielsen, author of a book Magnus Carlsen and who is in place in World Cup Arena in London.

– Why

– Because the shorter the time for reflection, the more parties make decisions.

Follow the decision of the World Championship from 16h – Television starts at 15h15.

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Carlsen begins with white plays at the first small party on Wednesday. 16:00. Here is how the decisive match of the World Cup will be played – in the order:

1. Fast hunting: Four games, whose decision falls if one of the players gets 2.5 points or more. 25 minutes + 10 seconds per moves. Two years ago, Carlsen beat Karjakin in this section: 3-1.

2. Lightning chess: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2, that is, five single games, each having both whites and blacks in each of his bets. Each match may decide the title of the World Cup. 5 minutes + 3 seconds per moves.

3. Armageddon: Shots on goal in chess. 5 minutes to white, 4 minutes to black. Black wins if it becomes a reference. Whoever "wins" the draw may choose the color.

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chess expert Oliver Roeder has calculated that there is only 0.02% chance of armageddon. This equates to one to five thousand.

"Carlsen is the favorite, says Arne Danielsen – and discovers him with a 67% chance of winning the Norwegian.

"I hope the decision will be pressed.

In 2016, against Sergey Karjakin, the first two fast-paced evenings ended with the re-elected, before Carlsen won both parties three (with black) and four (with whites). The Russians are among the many who count the Norwegian as a favorite in Wednesday's round, as you can see directly on VGTV:

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The legend Garry Kasparov, however, wrote on Twitter that he was reconsidering his opinion that Carlsen was a favorite in the quick pursuit – because of what he thought was a "shocking surrender offer from Magnus in a superior position" in the 12th part.

"Although Magnus is statistically favorite, Magnus shows a lack of self-confidence and preparation was not good." Caruana was much more psychologically solid in this match, said journalist El Pais Leontxo Garcia.

Carlsen has won his last nine wins – since 2007. In 2007, at the age of 16, he lost his last round against the eight-year-old Levon Aronian.

Sister Ellen, a shopkeeper, suggested – when she was invited to VGTV – that Magnus could take a break when he lost.

"I do not think he'll get up," she said.

But it is already clear that he will participate in the traditional tournament held at Wijk aan Zee in January.

Before Wednesday 's round, Carlsen and Caruana had played 12 games – with a total of 600 shots in 48 hours – without any of them ending with a boss of the win.

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