Carlsen wins the first part of the evening – NRK Sport – News, results and schedule of submission


Magnus Carlsen – Fabiano Caruana: 2-0 (in progress)

After twelve recalls in the long run, everything should be settled, whether fast failures, blitz or Armageddon. Magnus Carlsen and Fabiano Caruana should first try to settle the match in a hurry, and the Norwegian has secured a significant victory in the first team.

In the second part, with black pieces, Carlsen again gained an advantage. In the 27th draw, the arrow fell to the right, with 1.6 farmers in Carlsen's favor.

After a draw with a white horse, the advantage was even greater for the Norwegian, then Caruana finally realized that the second battle was lost.

"Magnus is about to crush Caruana in this game.He only needs a win or a reminder to become world champion!" Said Line Andersen, director of NRK program.

– Do not dare to encourage yet

Carlsen's manager, on the other hand, does not win the victory in advance.


HARDT PRESS: Fabiano Caruana must win the third part.

Photo: Tolga Akmen / AFP

"He did incredibly well, he managed to get rid of it, but I still dare to applaud, but of course that sounds good," said Espen Agdestein.

British star Nigel Short was impressed by Carlsen's game.

"He showed that he was a better quick player than Caruana, so he wins, he's deserved, I'm sorry for Caruana, but you still have to outdo yourself." The pressure has become too much strong for him and the second part has collapsed, he said.

Long time of reflection in the first part

In the first part, Carlsen thundered from the beginning.

"Magnus Carlsen is aiming for victory now!", Exclaimed Torstein Bae da Pila, an expert in NRK chess, with a 0.6 favor while the duelants had more than 10 shots.

Caruana spent a lot of time in his opening move and at his 19th stroke, the American had to think about five minutes before passing his horse from D6 to B5. Then shot the arrow in Carlsen's favor.


CONCEPT: The NRK chess experts thought that Carlsen had started early.

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix

"It's a winning position now and I think Carlsen has the chance to win an extremely important victory," said Bae.

But Carlsen also had a good time and in the 24th draw, he spent nine minutes.

"Time is a concern." Suddenly, Caruana has a huge advantage over time – it's a dangerous situation for Magnus, says Bae.

Then he left with faster movements and finished with a round finishing game. Carlsen took the cape, Caruana came back suddenly and he could not keep a fault at the end. Then the Norwegian could get up and tie the cousin in triumph.

This is typical of quick failures as it goes bad. It did not look like Magnus was going to win, but he was in the habit of winning, said Carlsen director Espen Agdestein.


THANK YOU: Fabiano Caruana spent a lot of time early. "These minutes can be crucial," said Atle Green, NRK chess expert.

Photo: Tolga Akmen / AFP

– Caruana on the ground to count

Chess President Morten L. Madsen is in London and could be proud of Norway's victory in the first game.


IMPOSED: The chess president was impressed by Carlsen's first party.

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB scanpix

"It was terribly exciting.The jubilee was on the roof while he was putting the ball in the goals, but there are still three parties, so we keep the jubilation a little behind," he said. just after the first Norwegian winning party.

Madsen thinks Carlsen gave Caruana a real rhythm.

– Magnus is showing strength. He continued from the beginning and Caruana seems a little out of sight. Now he does not know how to count anymore and Magnus is not going to give up.

Nervø's little sister

Magnus' little sister, Ingrid Øen Carlsen, is in the NRK's ​​chess studio among the crucial parties. She admitted that the pulse was high before the first party.

"I think he's going to win, but I have a lot of butterflies in my belly," she said before the first move.

On the other hand, in the opening part, she became a little calmer in the name of big brother.

"He has gained more experience and more routine, he has aged and I think he is more at peace and help," she said.

When the brother linked the cousin and encouraged the audience in London after the first party, the little sister also took a breath in the studio.

– It was extremely delicious. Finally a victory! "Said Carlsen Island.

Carlsen Sweater

VANT: Magnus Carlsen spent more than nine minutes on his 24th shot, but the match was gone – and the Norwegian won a big win in the first game. In lot 2, he won again.

Photo: Frank Augstein / AP

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