Chairman of the Carlsen party at chess: – celebrated such a world champion must


VERDENSMESTER: Magnus Carlsen with something good in the glass and a big smile.
VERDENSMESTER: Magnus Carlsen with something good in the glass and a big smile. Photo: Bendiksby, Terje / NTB scanpix


OSLO / LONDON (VG) Magnus Carlsen (27) and his entourage had a good party tonight after the 27-year-old won the World Cup title for the fourth time.

published: Updated: 29.11.18 12:54

He confirms Chess President Morten L. Madsen at VG on Thursday afternoon.

"You can safely say that there was a party tonight – it was celebrated like this. world will be celebrated, says Madsen.

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The Victory Day was held at the Rosewood Hotel in Holborn.

Carlsen's friends surprised the world champion last night with confetti:

His sponsors, friends and the rest of his team were present. Stephen Hawkin's daughter Lucy and FIDE President Arkadij Dvorkovich were also on duty.

Chess president Madsen confirms that the party lasted beyond London's night hours.

"It was a great atmosphere and a lot of fun, very stable and deserved for Magnus," said Madsen.

After 12 referrals, the title match went against the American Fabiano Caruana (26) for a quick conversation. the Norwegian was superior and decided to win the first three games.

"It's amazing," says Madsen.

Check Carlsen's reaction after the start of the first victory:

Carlsen became world champion for the first time in 2013 when Viswanathan Anand was defeated. The following year, he defended the title of the World Cup against Anand. In 2016, Sergey Karjakin triumphed.

big newspaper New York Times writes that Carlsen celebrated the reign of Norway in the world of chess.

VG has been in touch with Carlsen boss Espen Agdestein on Thursday. He says Carlsen is not available for the press on Thursday.

Simen Agdestein is another player who knows how to put himself in a good mood. Check this song:

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