Check all frigates – VG



Chief of Defense Haakon Bruun-Hansen said that they were investigating the safety of Norwegian frigates.

published: Updated: 29.11.18 16:24

Chief of Defense Haakon Bruun-Hansen and the boss of Marinecounter-minister Nils Andreas Stensønes met the press on Thursday afternoon after the Havarik commission issued a preliminary report on what happened when KNM "Helge Ingstad" hit tanker "Sola TS" .

Water problem

According to the commission, the KNM "Helge Ingstad" did not understand that a tanker had been presented against them: They believed the lights of "Sola TS" there was light from a harbor on the earth.

They also believed that those who called them on the radio were a ship properly speaking.

Today, it was learned that the KNM "Helge Ingstad" had too much water, on the basis of what was expected of what the hull of the ship could withstand.

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"We have taken temporary measures to remedy this problem, so that the frigates can navigate," said the Director General, Admiral Haakon Bruun-Hansen, at the press conference.

The defense dialogue with the company that built the Norwegian frigates, Navantia and Defense Materials, in order to permanently address the deficiencies.

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Check all frigates

"It can be the other frigates as well, so we talk to defense equipment and Navantia, so we make sure it's not a security problem," Bruun-Hansen said.

Do not talk to those on the bridge

He added that the armed forces had no contact with those who were on the bridge during the accident.

"Because the HAZA commission is working and the police are investigating the case, we have not spoken to them.

When asked how the crew aboard the billion frigate could not distinguish between Sola TS and a tanker terminal, the defense commander replied that he was aware of this. .

"They did not know how the technology was used, they said that the perception of the situation was not the reality, and it's a preliminary conclusion, we can not and will not go into details. "said Bruun-Hansen, who believes this should be the mission of HAZA.

"This perception is an important part of how we evaluate situations, we need to be very aware of it, to define routines that control each other, perhaps in a different way from today's." Now, must be one of the first things to consider, "said Bruun-Hansen.

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He says this about what the crew received from the help.

"We gathered them in groups and talked about events.

For VG, the defense chief says it has been heavy.

"It was a terrible experience and we welcome the fact that life has not been lost.

Contact refused

It also appeared that the Armed Forces had not yet considered damages against Navantia, but Navy Chief Nils Andreas Stensønes said it was very serious that the ship had apparently not been so sure he should.

– The defense materials made recommendations concerning the interim measures that we immediately implemented. The assessment is that it is safe to sail on ships, says Stensønes.

It is not planned to take the Nansen class down.

VG confronted Stensønes after the press conference on the fact that it was possible that the officers on the bridge believe that the tanker who came against them was a land.

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"It was a constant perception that this was a stationary project, as stated in the Havarikommission's preliminary report, we do not know what happened because the police asked us not to contact people on the bridge for investigation, so we do not know what happened to the bridge in the last 10 minutes.

The navy has tightened the requirements for AISand consider additional tightening.

"The clearance equipment has been prepared, the procedures of the crew and the crews are informed so that they can intervene if water enters this room," said the head of the marine, evoking the lack of security discovered and allowing the water to pass through the watertight bulkheads. .

The main results

These are the most important results:

  • I did not realize that it was a boat:
    KNM "Helge Ingstad" thought that "Sola TS" was a stationary object. The well-lit port Stureterminalen is located near the airport. And when "Helge Ingstad" entered the fjord, "Sola TS" was docked inside the Stureterminal.
    "From a distance, it would have been difficult to distinguish the lights from the ship from the lights of the terminal," writes the Havarikommission.

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  • I thought the ship was the terminal:
    When "Sola TS" started to sail north, the lights were the same as when they were at the terminal. They always had the tires on. And "Helge Ingstad" believed that it was the terminal that they saw, signifies the Havarikommission.
    "Although the tanker left the wharf at about that time, the fires did not move much as the tanker ran from south to north," said Ingvild Ytrehus, head of the department.

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  • Shift just before the accident:
    There was a gear change on the bridge between 3:40 and 3:45, just before the accident. The design that the lights were the terminal, not a ship, continued into the next quarter, writes the Havarikommission.
  • Thought that they spoke to another ship:
    As "Helge Ingstad" headed straight for "Sola TS", Sola asked them to immediately stand at the helm. He does not make the warship, despite repeated warnings.
    "They thought they were communicating with one of the three ships from the north that they followed on the radar," writes the Hearing Panel.

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