Chess World Cup press conference: – NRK caused irritation: excuses for viewers after chess broadcast


Magnus Carlsen was beaten with Fabiano Caruana and after three of the four quick failures, it was clear that the Norwegian had defended the World Cup title for the third time.

Then both players should have their traditional press conference, where they were asked about their thoughts and feelings after the fight decision.

The Norwegians were eager to hear the comments from the players, but NRK chose to move away quickly from the press conference.

Many viewers reacted when the press conference after the evening finale at NRK2 was suddenly removed from the screen. Instead of statements by Magnus Carlsen and Fabiano Caruanas, viewers have received expert analysis from the NRK.

"What are you doing in the world? We want to hear the press conference, no other mess!" Writes a passionate viewer of chess on the NRK Facebook page. Another writes "Ridiculous not to show the press conference of the evening."

NRK sorry

Soon after, however, NRK complained in the comments field:

"We apologize to anyone who is disappointed that the press conference has not gone to linear broadcasting – well, at least it's out there."

Sports writer Egil Sundvor tells Dagbladet that he understands the public's need to see and hear the entirety of the press conference.

"We sent part of the press conference on NRK2 and referred people to for the rest of the conference.We did it all the way through the chess period.In addition, we indicated that the press conference would be posted on NRK1 at the following summary Dagsrevyen.In the event of error, a message stating that the full press conference would be posted on NRK1 was also sent.We are sorry We We have done our best to offer the best, but obviously, it is annoying that someone is not satisfied, "said Sundvor.


For the first time in the history of chess, neither party managed to win a party at classical festivals. Carlsen chose Monday to change the way he offered a shot in a position where many thought they could fight for victory.

Carlsen has received many criticisms, but today, the Norwegian showed why he had acted as he did.

After a good start to the first game in which the Norwegian had a clear advantage, Caruana seemed to have saved a new remix before making another mistake at the end of the season and allow the Norwegian to take a decisive advantage in the tournament.

So, Carlsen had a perfect start to today's party. This self-confidence led to a complicated second part, where Caruana finally became too aggressive and after several mistakes, Carlsen pulled another win.

With that, the match was almost decided, but Carlsen did not let go of his second party with white pieces and also ensured the third party.

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