Deer pint to death in braids


– The worst thing is the slow death that the animal died from death. He probably hanged his broken legs, explains Faruk Mujanic.

Monday afternoon, he was walking with his dogs in Sviland, Sandnes. In a barbed wire surmounting a fence surrounding a meadow, a deer had a foot injury. There the animal hanged until his death. When Faruk arrived, he was already partially haunted.

"Although I am a hunter, I appreciate every animal living in the wild, and if we hunters hurt an animal, we will try to kill it as quickly as possible," he says.

Found dead animals for the second time

This is not the first time that he meets a deer caught in a barbed wire and died.

– The first time, it happened near the place where I was on Monday. Also this time the animal was half eaten when I found it. This time, I think it was a rotten calf. They do not jump so high and suddenly have legs between the barbed wire and the top of the fence, "Mujanic said.

Arnt Mørkesdal, director of forestry and wildlife for the municipality of Sandnes, believes that animals stuck in barbed wire are a problem that causes serious diseases.

"The problem occurs when the animals try to jump over and are unhappy so that they repair the leg and wring themselves .I have had at least three times in recent years to retreat and kill animals." Because of this, it is really bad and causes great suffering to the animals.They go a long time before dying.The barbed wire that cuts the bones of the animals is one of the most horrible cases in which I am find, he says.

Barbed wire banned since 2010

Mørkesdal It is not easy to solve this problem, but the barbed wire placed over the fences must be removed and replaced by a thick steel wire.

– There must be fences around the field, it's unthinkable. The thread should be tight. In cases where I was absent, there was little distance between the fence and the top wire. I think a little more distance between the fence and the top rope will keep the animals from being caught easily, "he says.

The use of barbed wire to control animal traffic is prohibited by the Animal Protection Act since 2010. This means that barbed wire should not be used to replace old fencing. It is also required that fences be kept well adhered and monitored.

– The barbed wire should definitely disappear. This is nothing in nature to do. The pork thread must be removed and thrown properly, says Mørkesdal.

– What should we do if people see injured animals or animals dead from barbed wire?

– They should call the police for the police to deepen the case.

Marit Epletveit, head of the Rogaland Farms, says it's not good that animals are suffering from barbed wire.

– Nevertheless, barbed wire is used because without cattle, it is easy to lean over the fence and destroy it. They do not do it when there is barbed wire. At Bondage, we should definitely look at the problem and focus on that in the future, she says.

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