Disk-conscious Norwegians paid a "carpet" on Black Friday


Black Friday's sales day broke the new Norwegian record for carpet and card transactions, but last year's sales were not achieved.

at tæppe Payment by payment became more common and more common after the launch of the concept by BankAxept earlier this year, writes Dinero.

Instead of putting the card in the terminal, you keep it and make the contactless payment.

At Black Friday this year, 366,000 transactions were made with faucets.

"It's a clear sign that many people are seeing the benefits of card deletion, as more and more people are using contactless payment, we know that payment is faster, which is a major benefit. We think this can be important for many stores as the Christmas business really begins, "said Hanne Kjærnes, head of communications at Vipps AS in a press release.

However, you must enter the PIN code when you pay more than 200 crowns with faucets, but this limit will be doubled next year.

Read also: We pulled the cards 1.78 billion times last year

Carpet not all terminals

To date, 90% of all Net card terminals support contactless payments, although only 60% of them have enabled this feature.

Despite the fact that many terminals do not yet have the rug function, the number of contactless Nets terminals has increased by 25 percentage points since June of this year.

"Never before have the cards been used so diligently," said Stein-Arne Tjore, press officer for Nets in Norway in a press release.

There is a message that Tjore had to repeat several times. In recent years, a new record has been recorded for card transactions, but this is the first time this record has been reached.

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More card transactions than ever

Norwegians exchanged for more than 3.7 billion Norwegian kroner, divided into nine million transactions, which is the black Friday of this year, including carpets.

The Norwegian store in Vestby is one of the shops under the most pressure on Black Friday. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix

This represents an increase of 3.6% from 3.6 billion last year, spread over 8.7 million transactions. The increase amounts to about one hundred million crowns and ears.

Thus, the Black Friday trading day sets new records in Norway and remains the day that Norwegians use the most card.

The use of the cards has been distributed on BankAxept cards, international cards, credit cards and electronic gift cards.

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The commercial tradition is developing

The American tradition is apparently more and more respected in Norway. We not only have black Friday, but also the black week, with discounted prices and promotions all week before Friday. Even the days before and after this week, some stores made sales related to Black Friday.

Many people take advantage of the opportunity to buy gifts and Christmas items that are usually never on sale.

Although a new record for tapping and card transactions has been created this year, sales since last year are trading at more than NOK 3.9 billion.

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