Drammen Live24 – Eight homeless following a house fire


Drammen: Emergency data was transferred to the scene after a fire and smoke report just before 2.30am.

Shortly after, police announced that all residents should have gone out and be safe. However, three people are transported to the emergency room after breathing in smoke.

"The rest of the households live with decent neighbors for the rest of the night," police said.

A total of eight people is registered at the address.

– Do not suspect anything criminal

The cause of the fire is currently unknown, but according to police, the fire would have started in connection with the terrace of the residence.

Police conducted night investigations and interrogations on the site and conducted technical investigations on Tuesday.

At the present time, there is nothing to indicate that there is something criminal behind the fire, but the police do not rule out the fact that this is due to negligence .

"A fire is not our main theory, but it may seem as if the fire started outside, and we hope that the technologies come closer to the solution," says investigator Jan Henrik Håkestad at DRM24. no.



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