Europacup parody: Damelaget's fight was blown away because the opponent did not have enough players!


Endeleg took the lead of Førde's debut in the CEV Cup, the second highest cup in Europe. Even though the French pro-Saint-Raphael leia 2-0 looked and seemed to be saying something, there was a feast of sweet people and a good atmosphere at Førdehuset.

However, the Europacup party would have a sudden end.

A player from the French team was injured and could not continue the match. As a general rule, there is no problem, when one can sit on a new one. The problem was that St. Raphael was not taking in exchange.

According to Reglane, it takes six players on the track for a match to be played and the France team did not have to replace the match.

This means that Førde won the winner 3-2. The French team separated from his two sets.

"It's broken that we can not finish the game.I call it arrogant not to form a full team.It's not what we're profiling. good work, just like the team with too few players, and Førde VBK President Bjørn Holvik is ready to speak.

NOT IMPOSED: Bjørn Holvik is a member of the Board of Directors of Førde VBK. He is not happy that the French team came with only six players to Førde.

NOT IMPOSED: Bjørn Holvik is a board member of Førde VBK. He is not happy that the French team arrived in Førde with only six players.

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