FIND ABRAHAMSEN , truant – Ask a private investigator to prove that the employee shrugged


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The employer suspected the shoulders to shrug and hired a private investigator to check what the employee did all day.

As an adjuster in a telecommunications company, the employee worked primarily on a mission. However, the employer suspected the installer was spending a lot of time outside of work and had the creative idea of ​​hiring a private investigator to plan what the company would do. employee did all day, writes Rett24.

The mission was entrusted to Finn Abrahamsen, a profile of the retired police, who recorded for ten days and photographed what the employee was doing in and around the work car. The report caused the dismissal to be fired, writes Rett24.

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However, the employee did not deal with this case and pleaded in May of this year for the dismissal to be declared invalid on the ground that the evidence had been obtained illegally and illegally and that they were to be intercepted under section 22-7 of the Dispute Act.

In a September decision, the Oslo District Court banned allowing the company to run private investigators as witnesses. The Borgarting Court of Appeal achieves the same result and knows the control of the employee both illegal and undue.

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According to Rett24, the Court of Appeal points out that a license to produce illegal and unduly acquired evidence will send "unfortunate signals to the social partners stating that the employer can be put at the service of control measures unlawfully and / or unlawfully ".

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