Former Minister of Fisheries and County Governor Charged with Sexual Assault


Svein Harald Ludvigsen, former fisheries minister and governor of Troms County, is charged with sexual assault on three young men.

The 72-year-old is accused of having used his county governorship to gain access to all three, all of whom came to Norway as asylum seekers.

According to the convictions, Ludvigsen should have gone to institutions under the control of the county governor of Troms and, from there, brought the young men to the hut or their home.

According to Attorney General Tor Børge Nordmo, who withdrew the charges, Louis himself should have gone to the ceremony, "would have given him the Norwegian nationality and let believe that he had the power and the power". Authority to give him and deprive him of his citizenship ".

According to the calls, the person named person B is more easily retarded mental.

At least one of the abuses should also have occurred in the county governor's office.

The former minister and county governor was arrested on January 3, 2018 and accused of using his position to establish sex with a man. A week later, the sentence was extended to the exploitation of minors in vulnerable situations.

After five weeks of detention, Ludvigsen was released. He did not recognize a penalty.

These are the victims

Person A: From the summer of 2011 to July 2014 he hosted the asylum seeker at Fylkeshuset in Tromsø, the hut, the house and various hotels in Oslo. According to the prosecution, Ludvigsen should have used a resource and a young single asylum seeker particularly vulnerable.

Person B: By the end of May or early June 2014, he should have abused a mentally retarded light-hearted man in a hotel room in Oslo. Both men were known when Ludvigsen went to the reception center for asylum seekers where the man was living, as county governor. It is to this person that Ludvigsen has awarded a nationality for a ceremony, to let him believe later that he could recover it.

Person C: On three occasions during the summer of 2014 and until 7 September 2014, Ludvigsen sexually exploited a vulnerable, single and resourceful asylum seeker in his car and at a hotel in Tromsø. He should have said that as a former county governor and central politician, he could provide him with a home and a sustainable stay in Norway.

Retreat in 2011

The accusation against the former minister refers to violations of the Penal Code (1902), Article 193, in case of abuse of power against a person over the period from 2011 to 2014 , and "abuse of position / trust and / or exploitation of mental retardation against another person may / june 2014," Troms attorneys and Finnmark wrote in a press release.

"The reference also concerns two violations of the Penal Code (1902), Article 224, first paragraph, for using two persons in situations of vulnerability for sexual purposes, one during the period 2011-2017 and a summer / autumn 2014. ", says the press release.

Ludvigsen was Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs in the second government of Kjell Magne Bondevik. He was elected to the Storting of Troms from 1989 to 2001. He was Troms County Governor from January 2006 to the summer of 2014.

The county governor is the supreme representative of the king in the counties and is appointed by the king in the councils of government.

Deputy Prosecutor: Is he "very difficult"

Gunhild Bergan, associate lawyer at one of the three men, does not want to comment on the case, but writes in an Aftenposten SMS that her client has "very difficult".

Survey in 2015 and 2016

The community summit in Tromsø was also investigated for similar conditions in 2015 and 2016, but this case was closed after the evidence.

Then he was insulted by a man in the 30s.

In August, the prosecutor referred the case against Ludvigsen to the police for further investigation.

"… there must be some clarifications in the case before it can be settled …", says the press release of Troms and Finnmark's prosecutor.

The sentence passed against the former Troms county governor concerns violations of the former paragraph 3 of Article 193 of the Criminal Code and new Article 295, a or. c of the Penal Code, which means that Ludvigsen is charged with conditions both before and after the amendment of the Penal Code in 2015.

Ludvigsen's defender, Ulf E. Hansen, lawyer, appeared in court on Wednesday and has not yet responded to the Aftenposten investigation. Ludvigsen did not respond to the Evening Post's investigation.

The lawyers Gunhild Bergan, Håvard Flatland and Beate Arntzen have been appointed as assistant lawyers.

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