Call for urgent action against the giant.
Several media have written that Google may be subject to prosecution in Europe and the United States for illegally tracking phones without the consent of their owners.
Mapping of location data
In Europe, society is accused of breaking confidentiality to receive and the company incurs a potential fine of four percent of its annual income if found guilty.
The reason behind the criminal prosecution is that Google has mapped the location data to users even after manually disabling the location history. The Netherlands and Poland are among the seven European countries that are encouraged by consumer authorities to sue Google in court.
Hard for Android users
In particular, they claim that Google has used different methods to entice users to activate location history and browsing activity, while pointing out that such practices mislead consumers when they use their information. personal data. According to BEUC, this practice is not governed by the law on PGRs because Google has no valid reason to have such user data.
Until now, there were different practices on iOS and Android, according to which iOS users could only be located if they granted the application permission. It's a bit harder for Android users since the software is controlled by Google itself.
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