Had a claim before the kiss scene with Adam Sandler


"It was a bit rare," said Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston about the sexy kiss scene.

Earlier this month, Netflix's new movie "Murder Mystery", featuring actress Jennifer Aniston (50) and Adam Sandler (52), was premiered.

In the film, the two star actors play a married couple on vacation to try to save the relationship. However, the holidays end in a completely different way and the couple is faced with difficult choices.

As part of the film's premiere, the duo could reveal to Fox News that there are also hot scenes between the couple under discussion.

Aniston and Sandler have been good friends for a number of years. Sandler explains that initially, recording intimate scenes with Aniston was not easy, but it was mostly the scene of the kiss alone that gave him a little more.

Went by his wife

On the set, under the hot stage, his wife Jackie Titone (44) and their two children were present.

– The only thing that was a bit tiny was hearing my wife shout louder, louder. Kiss her more loudly. They followed the whole scene of the kiss and they loved it. They are very happy at Aniston, and they wanted Aniston to have a good kiss, laughed Sandler at Fox News.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS: Adam Sandler and his wife Jackie Titone at the "Murder Mystery" premiere a few days ago.
Photo: NTB Scanpix

Aniston, who was also present at the interview, shares the opinion of his fellow actor:

– It was a little small, yes, she said.

Set the requirements before the kiss scene

For Aniston, however, during the kissing scene, the audience had completely different things, which made it difficult to focus on the actor's work.

According to Aniston, Sandler's beard was a big problem, so she had to make beard requests before the kissing scenes were recorded.

– I had to ask him to make his beard a little softer with oil and conditioner, she laughs.

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Welcome back

The new Netflix movie was presented on June 14 around the world and has already received good feedback.

At IMDb, it currently has a ranking of 6.1.

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