Hospital staff may have infected more than 400 TB patients


The Danish newspaper Nordjyske writes that an employee of the Aalborg hospital was confirmed infected with the disease last week.

"When we found that one of our employees was suffering from the disease, we asked the senior lung department to assess if other people were at risk of becoming infected," he said. said the medical director of the Aalborg University Hospital, Michael Braun Schmidt.

All persons close to the employee are called for an investigation. The hospital does not mean anything about the department on which the employee works.

The hospital stresses, however, that the risk of infection of one or more people is very low. However, Braun Schmidt asserts that the hospital will not take any risk and that anyone with the least risk of being infected will do the examination, which includes a blood test.

Affected patients will receive a call for investigation during the next week.

The tuberculosis bacterium strikes the lungs, but can be found in all organs, bones and lymph nodes. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis are prolonged coughing, which can cause discolored or bloody saliva, fever, sweating and weight loss.

(© NTB)

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