Ice launches Data Freedom – And whispered, they were three


Chilimobil and Telia offer subscriptions on which you can use a lot of data.

While Telia gives you the first 40 gigabytes a month with maximum speed, then goes up to 3 megabits per second, with the Chili Free Data subscription, you can spend 5 gigabytes a day before the same limitation speed is not entered.

Forbrukertilsynet believes that these limitations mean that subscriptions can not be marketed with "free data".

1000 GB for 99 additional crowns

At a press conference held today at its headquarters in Nydalen, Ice introduced his counterpart, whom they chose to call "Data Freedom".

Here's the following pattern: For an additional $ 99 per month (in addition to the subscription price), you can spend up to 1,000 GB per month, where the maximum speed is 10 Mbps (megabits per second). For the most part, this will in practice be perceived as unlimited data; at least if you only use it from your mobile phone.

This speed is a little more than three times higher than that offered by Chili and Telia when the speed is limited and should be fast enough to broadcast Netflix in Full HD. The service can be used on all subscriptions with 6 GB of data or more and also applies to the corporate market.

The freedom of the data has no obligatory time and can be activated and deactivated when needed. If you are not satisfied after 30 days, you can recover your money.

Ice allows sharing networks with other devices, but points out that 10 Mbps can hardly be used as a shared network.

Only in Ice's own network

It should be noted, however, that this additional data only applies when you use the Ice, Ice + mobile network.

Ice has, in addition to Telenor and Telia, the third mobile phone network in Norway, which the company claims covers more than 89% of Norwegian mobile phone users. This network has recently been approved by Tutela as a network offering the most consistent quality in the Nordic countries.

The yellow icon

The yellow icon "Ice +" in the application indicates that you are connected to the Ice network. Photo: Pål Joakim Pollen
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If you do not see the name of the network operator in the status bar of your phone, you can use the Ice app to check if you are connected to the Ice network.

If Ice does not have a cover, she leases an ability to Telia. If you use the Telia network, you must manage the usual data quota of the subscription.

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