– I'm 49, I think it's a little insolent to be hit by SMS


– I'm 49, I think it's a bit cheeky to be hit by SMS. I really thought that kind of thing was reserved for other age groups, "said Trine Skei Grande at the NRK Political Quarter Wednesday morning.

The leftist leader is talking about the breach of the man she has already described as "the man of my life" – the KrF leader, Knut Arild Hareide.

They had dreamed of being part of the government for a long time, they had been holding each other for a long time, so the two little kids make sure that the center is penetrated by the tip of power.

But then he started to let his eyes wander. Knut Arild Hareide developed feelings for someone else – for Ap and Sp – and after a period of careful evaluation, he lost touch with Skei Grande. Hareide wanted to know that the KrF should go left with the governmentsidenot part Left.

And Skei Grande still wonders if Hareide informed her of the "break" by means of a text message.

"I do not want to get into the content of the text message, but I am very surprised that it happened by SMS, I have to admit," said the Minister of Culture.

– That takes time

Skei Grande is under the political wind. The left struggles with the measures and Dagbladet is aware of the fact that the party leader is struggling to justify the government's plan with the FRP and the right to a part of the party.

In the last Dagbladet survey, only 23% of respondents think that Trine Skei Grande is doing a good job as party leader for the left. Support will be 56% when we only ask left-wing voters.

This, however, makes Skei Grande the smallest leader of a popular party in the country, both among the general population and theirs.

"Many are waiting a bit for what Venster's role in the government should be," says Skei Grande at NRK.

– And then things take time. It took nine months to produce cultural and volunteer reports on my field of study, for example. But we are very pleased with the state budget for 2019. In fact, we have managed to show that the country is becoming greener and more socially liberal with the left in government, she said.

Blame on KrF

On the last barometer of the party Dagbladet, the left got a support of 3.6%. And on the measure presented yesterday by NRK, the party recorded support of 2.8%.

Skei Grande said that the debate on KrF 's road map, which had resulted in the alleged violation of the SMS with Knut Arild Hareide, had stolen a lot of attention from his party. She thinks it's hard to show Norway that the left of the government has made a difference in the right direction. But it will be better in the future, she promises.

"It was difficult to deal with other issues this fall and it was hard to resist a debate in which we had to notice that our features were partly raw.This affected the mood of the party, but I think we have a starting point to show how we are going to make Norway greener, "said the Minister of Culture.

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