– I'm shocked. Svein was a mentor on the right – NRK Troms – Local News, TV and Radio


"When I heard about it, I reacted with shock and disbelief, it is sad to hear that you know such a case so well, and at the same time I do not want to see the issue. do his job now, says Andersen

Svein Ludvigsen, a former fisheries minister and Troms county governor, was charged with accusing him on Wednesday. Ludvigsen is accused of having abused his position for sex.

Sondre Andersen was the head of the Tromsø Youth Council until this summer. He describes Svein Ludvigsen as a kind of mentor for himself and other young party politicians.

"He helped us, for example, to write readers and talks," said Andersen.

Svein Ludvigsen

Svein Ludvigsen, former vice president of the Right, Minister of Fisheries and Troms County Governor, was accused of abusing his post to have sex with three former asylum seekers.

Photo: Marita Andersen / NRK

Svein Ludvigsen is an honorary member of the county-level youth party, but Andersen believes the right should not be invoked, as the charges should have taken place while Ludvigsen was county governor in Troms and after taking part in politics.

But Andersen recognizes that such a thing can help swear the confidence of politicians.

"He has had a lot of confidence from the community with the positions he has had, and of course, such events break them with that confidence.

– Hope of a lawsuit

The presidential candidate of the Board of Governors, Jens Johans Hjort, knows Svein Ludvigsen well. He admits that it is a serious business.

"But it's important to keep in mind that Svein is innocent until there is a valid sentence," he says.

Jans Johan Hjort

– SERIOUSLY: – It's a very serious matter, but we have to keep in mind that Svein Ludvigsen is innocent until a valid sentence is possible, says Jens Johan deer ( H).

Photo: Dan Henrik Klausen / NRK

Hjort has been in contact with people from Sommarøy, outside Tromsø, where Ludvigsen lives.

"He is well after the circumstances and looks forward to a trial." Svein did not want a reduction in the case, but hoped for a trial so he could explain.

I have known the subject for a long time

NRK was in the hometown of Ludvigsen. The residents of Sommarøy take great care to comment on the charges against the community.

"I think it's terrible if it happened." He was a trusted and respected man, says a man who wants to remain anonymous.

He says he has known for a long time about who the police investigated, but that the case was not discussed in the village.

– No, no Everyone has kept silence.

Kjell Ove Hveding, a close friend of Svein Ludvigsen, said that it was important to take care of Ludvigsen as a human being while a police investigation had taken place.


Bygda Sommarøy, outside Tromsø, houses Svein Ludvigsen. The inhabitants are shocked by the accusations against the assembly.

Photo: Øystein Antonsen / NRK

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