Introduces climbing cards and allows children up to 6 years to drive free with the bus


Budget negotiations in the county have resulted in an increase in the age limit of free buses compared to the current limit of four years and up to six years. The price of the young card is also not increased.

After the left promoted an interpellation in the county committee, the majority of MPs agreed to take a free bus for the kids and avoid the price increases for the young card as a budget problem.

The price of single tickets increases by 3%, but for the other cards, it remains unchanged.

– We also launch the "Occasionally" card, which is a clipboard in the application and in the Kolumbus card. This gives the opportunity to purchase discounted single trips that are cheaper than current single ticket prices, "said Marianne Chesak (AP), the county's product manager.

"It was important for Ap to make arrangements to make the tickets cheaper, and we believe that this scheme is leading more and more people to take their car home from time to time," he added. -she.

The price of bus tickets is part of the budget regulation in the county municipality. Behind the parties are V, KrF, Ap, H, Sp and MDG.

SV and Frp are not included.

Next year's budget was introduced this week by county politicians and will be finally considered by the county council on December 11 and 12.

"Children will be able to focus more easily on activities and other cultural offerings without parents having to pay extra for transportation, and I think more parents will be using a bus with the kids in their daily lives because of savings. realized, "says Anja Berggård Endresen, group leader on the left, in a press release.

County politicians have also agreed not to raise the price of the young card.

"The Youth Card is an important offer for an unbelievable number of high school students throughout the county, and it is good that the award be kept to a minimum as long as possible." I am incredibly pleased that the budget negotiations have had a majority this time too, "she continues in the press release.

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