iOS 13 – – Soon on the iPhone


On June 3rd, Apple's annual Apple Developer Conference, WWDC, is slipping away and the company is expected to release new versions of iOS and MacOS.

We've already written a bit about what we can expect in the next big Mac update, but what about Apple for the next iPhone update?

Several websites now claim to know what is being launched.

In April, 9to5Mac published an article about the news in iOS 13, expected to be released in the fall, when launching the 2019 models of the iPhone.

Now, Bloomberg continues with an article that not only corroborates the allegations of the 9to5Mac case, but offers even more details about simple tabs and features.

– Extremely new

For the sake of curiosity, we can mention that Bloomberg's reporter, Mark Gurman, has made himself "famous" precisely in 9to5Mac because of his exceptionally good sources in the Apple world.

Therefore, it is likely that the writing of some of these rumors about Apple is true.

Update of May 29: Screens are leaking

9to5Mac could reveal screenshots of the next update until the unveiling of iOS 13.

DARK MODE: In addition to the fact that applications (in the middle) get a dark interface, the Dock line also looks darker. Photo: 9to5Mac
DARK MODE: In addition to the fact that the applications (in the middle) have a dark interface, it also seems that the Dock line will have a darker appearance. Photo: 9to5Mac
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They show, among others, the new dark mode that would come from Apple, as well as minor adjustments in the user interface, such that its appearance will be different if you take a screenshot on the screen. 39; iPhone. Instead of getting a gray area around the screen, it displays the background of your mobile phone – and the bottom tools look more colorful.

NEW APPEARANCE: The screen capture tools are no longer in two colors as on iOS 12. Photo: 9to5Mac
NEW APPEARANCE: The screen capture tools are no longer in two colors as on iOS 12. Photo: 9to5Mac
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The 9to5Mac also received a screenshot of the new reminder app, with its own sections for different types of reminders.

NEW DESIGN: Apple has also given the Reminder application a complete redesign in iOS 13; we will believe the screen, with the overview of the calendar on the left and reminders divided into different categories. Photo: 9to5Mac
NEW DESIGN: Apple has also given the Reminder application a complete redesign in iOS 13; we believe the screen here, with the overview of the calendar on the left and the reminders divided into different categories. Photo: 9to5Mac
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In addition, it may appear that the Find the iPhone and Find Friends applications are merged into a common application Find My Application. This is also true of previous rumors.

SHUT ON: Here's the new app you can use to search for both mobile and friends. Photo: 9to5Mac
SWITCH OFF: Here is the new app that you can use to find both mobile and friends. Photo: 9to5Mac
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So, how does iOS 13 become?

According to Bloomberg, Apple has attributed to iOS 13 the code name "Yukon" and the update will propose changes and new features for various applications. Some of this information would really appear last year but was postponed because Apple's interest in iOS 12 corrected the errors and made the operating system more stable after many problems with iOS 11.

  • Dark mode: Last year, macOS Mojave went into dark mode, that is to say that you can darken the entire user interface. This trend is reflected on both mobile and PC. According to 9to5Mac and Bloomberg, iOS 13 will go into dark mode and will be activated via the Control Center, which you can capture by swiping the screen up or down.
  • Volume control changes look: We are not the only ones to bother us to see that the volume control occupies such a place on the screen. So we hope everything is fine when the 9to5Mac writes that Apple will give a redesign to iOS 13.

Among other changes made to the user interface, Bloomberg mentions a new animation when accessing the multitasking menu or closing applications. The widgets, to the left of the main screen, will look cleaner and more enjoyable.

  • Unique features of the iPad: 9to5Mac also claims that there will be more changes to the iPad in iOS 13, including the ability for applications to use multiple windows. You can drag them on the screen, overlay them, or display them side by side. Bloomberg also claims that changes will be made to the home screen specifically on the iPad. We hope then that it will be a better use of the larger area of ​​the screen.

Several changes can also be made to the iOS keyboard. We think 9to5Mac and Bloomberg.

  • Best cancellation function: Apple has been criticized for its cancellation function in iOS, which requires you to shake your iPhone or iPad if you have written something wrong. If we believe 9to5Mac, Apple will introduce a new way to do it in iOS 13. On the iPad, you can cancel and run anyway by sliding three fingers to the left or right on the keyboard. It will also be easier to select multiple items in a table by dragging multiple fingers on it.
  • New scanning keyboard: Otherwise, Bloomberg claims that Apple is testing a new keyboard feature that allows users to slide their fingers over the letters of a movement to print words, including third-party keyboards such as SwiftKey.
YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT: With iOS 11, Apple introduced a new feature. A feature you should know. Both to be able to use it, but also to avoid an unnecessary phone call to the police. Video: Marie Røssland See more
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According to Bloomberg, we can expect a lot of new things for existing and new applications. 9to5Mac has already written that Apple brings updates to applications such as Safari and Mail.

  • Safari: Safari on the iPad will automatically request the desktop version of some websites in order to avoid obtaining custom web pages for cell phones that look less good on larger screens, according to 9to5Mac. Bloomberg also writes that Apple is testing a feature that will allow you to see all the downloads in one place, like on your computer.
  • mail: In addition, they write that in the Mail application, it will be possible to categorize e-mail messages such as advertising, buying, traveling, "not important", and so on. – a bit of what we know about Gmail. Users will also have the option to add emails in a "read later" queue.
  • health: According to Bloomberg, Apple will make long-awaited changes to the Health app with a new home screen that will help you get an overview of your daily activity. Here is also a new section on "Hearing Health", such as the height of your music on your headphones or the noise level of the environment in which you are located. A more complete menstrual follow-up will also come, so that Apple will tackle popular cycling apps such as Clue. , Flo and Ovia.
  • notifications: 9to5Mac has already written that Apple will redefine its makeup application and, according to Bloomberg, a new main screen will be divided into four sections in a grid in which you will see what needs to be done today, all tasks, scheduled tasks, and marked tasks. .
  • screen time: It was one of the good news of iOS 12, and with iOS 13, a new feature will allow parents to limit the number of contacts children can and can not contact at specific times, Bloomberg says. .
  • Books: According to Bloomberg, the ebook reader will get a new feature that will entice users to read more with the help of a new feature tracking progress and a new reward system.
  • iMessage: Will get a WhatsApp type update that allows users to select a profile picture and a user name, then choose who to view it, writes Bloomberg.
  • Home: The Apple Smart Home app will benefit from better integration with surveillance cameras and the ability to watch previous recordings, Bloomberg said.
  • New sleep mode: Apple currently has a Sleep Time feature in the Clock app. Here you can specify the duration of your sleep, then the Clock application reminds you to lie down and activate the alarm when you have to get up. However, iOS 13 introduces a new Apple sleep mode that will be more comprehensive than today's bedtime functionality. According to Bloomberg, it can be integrated with "future Apple sleep recording devices," like a new Apple Watch. Today, you can use Apple's smart watch to sleep, but through third-party applications.
  • Use the iPad as a screen: Apple is "killing" popular third-party apps with its own new apps or features, and iOS 13 looks like apps like Duet Display and Luna Display are being explored. According to Bloomberg, Apple is offering a new feature that will make use of the iPad as the number two screen for the Mac, with the ability to draw with an Apple pencil, to enlarge the display area and receive alerts from the Mac.
  • Merge "Find an iPhone" and "Find Friends": Bloomberg writes that Apple will merge the Find iPhone and Find Friends applications into a common application, which internally calls "GreenTorch". According to 9to5Mac, Apple wants users to be able to follow everything – not just Apple gadgets or their friends – to create a small tracking device that can be attached to the bag or keychain, for example, to the Tile chip.
  • … And much more: Better filters for not enabling "Hi Siri" by mistake, better multilingual keyboard and dictation support, as well as more print settings built into the application, are also among the new features of the next iOS update, according to the 9to5Mac. Bloomberg, in turn, writes that the HomePod speaker, which has not yet been launched in Norway, will receive support for its multi-voice use.

Of course, it remains to be seen if any of them appears in iOS 13 – and what else could Apple think of.

macOS 10.15

Bloomberg also offers details on the next major update of the Mac operating system. One of the good news will be the ability to run iPad applications on Apple laptops and notebooks.

As we wrote previously, many applications for iPad, such as a Podcast application and the new combined iPhone Finder and Find Friends app, will find their way onto Mac. It also launches a brand new Apple Music application, according to rumors that iTunes ceases to be iTunes, at least as we know it today.

Screen duration, effects and application stickers Messages, integration with Siri shortcuts, the new Reminders application and the Improve Books app will also be an integral part of macOS 10.15.

watchOS 6

For Apple Watch, Apple plans to create the App Store at the time, eliminating the need to go through the iPhone to download applications at any time, Bloomberg said. Voice recordings, Animoji and Memoji, Books app to listen to audiobooks and Calculator application will also be among the news, writes the site.

Two new health-related apps are coming too, according to Bloomberg. One called "Dose", which will remind users to take medication, and one called "Cycles". which could be used to follow the menstrual cycle.

We can also expect new dials and dial complications.

What do you want in iOS 13? We have news from you in the comments below!

REMOVE MESSAGES: You now have ten minutes to retrieve the messages you have sent on Facebook Messenger. Video: Ørjan Ryland / Dagbladet
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