Jemtland case: – punish Jemtland for fraud against children: – he seems to live well with that


HAMAR (Dagbladet): Attorney General Iris Storås believes that the murder of Janne Jemtland took place in particularly aggravating circumstances. It takes 18 years of imprisonment for Svein Jemtland.

The prosecutor's office specifically refers to the treatment of the body by brumunddølens, the removal of traces and the way he tried to escape.

But what became a particularly strong argument for both Storas and the prosecutor of the couple's two sons was the appearance of the murders committed against them after the disappearance of the mother.

The main arguments of the prosecutor and the prosecutor are that Jemtland should have been lying to the eldest son of what he saw and heard until December 29 of last year and that it was their made believe that her mother could reappear even if she had been killed

– seems to live well with that

The Hedmark District Court had very strong scenes when the video issues of the couple's 10- and 13-year-old sons were recorded.

Among other things, the eldest son explained that the father had asked him to lie. Svein Jemtland himself apparently did not look mine during the play, also noted a state attorney.

"Svein Jemtland seems to be living well with that." His explanation in court, his body language and his behavior, for example, during the interrogation of the sons, prove that he understands the situation in which he is being held. is put when he does not take responsibility for his own actions, Storås said in court.

CENTRAL VITNE: Janne Jemtland's brother, Terje Opheim, testified in court. That's what he said. Video: Hans Arne Vedlog / Christian Roth. Editing: Emilie … Show more
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She described it as exploitation by the father of the children's love.

– It shows how ready he is to escape and not to be held responsible for his actions. He uses the loyalty and love of his own son for his father.

– cold and calculated killer

The Attorney General described the former foreign legionnaire as a "cold and calculated" killer who did everything to hide the tracks.

– People come in and out of the house. Everyone is talking about where Janne is and what happened. Svein Jemtland gives all hope. It's the game that he has with the sons, John's closest family, his friends and the police.

Inger lawyer Johanne Reiestad Hansen, who advises children, also did not appreciate Svein Jemtland's behavior towards children. She claims 800,000 claims for both sons and demands that Svein Jetmland be deprived of the right of inheritance and the right to life insurance money.

– Mom is dead and her father is in prison. In this way, the two caregivers left for them. The fact that the father killed the mother is also a big constraint in the future. The killer is not a stranger, but your own father.

She further explains that the fact that Svein Jemtland, in two weeks, made children wait for Janne's return is also aggravating.

– He exposed them to enormous stress to protect himself. He used the children in his own game. It is also aggravating that during several telephone conversations with children, he stated that he would soon be released when he would be accused of having killed, she said.

The son was at home

Reiestad Hansen further indicates that the oldest son was at home until the evening of December 29, the day the blow fell. He asked in detail what he saw and heard that night.

ASSISTANCE: Inger Johanne Reiestad Hansen. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix
lawyer: Inger Johanne Reiestad Hansen. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix
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– Svein Jemtland is familiar with his son's explanations. He did nothing to lift this responsibility. It is very serious that he asked the son to lie to the police about what he saw that night. That the son will lie to the police, he repeated several times. The son thinks his father takes advantage of his kindness, "said the attorney general.

She also points out that Svein Jemtland told the children that Janne had left them voluntarily.

– particularly aggravating

Storås pointed out the aggravating circumstances of the case.

– In my opinion, there is no doubt that the circumstances are extremely aggravating. The shot itself is not enough, but it shows the strength of the defenses. The act appears as pure execution and he finds the weapon. The shot is in the middle of the front, and there is no other reason this one shoots to kill, Storas said in court.

The prosecutor also pointed out that Janne Jemtland must have felt the fear and the manner in which the accused had behaved towards his sons after the murder.

Finally, she pointed out that Svein Jemtland blames his wife.

– That she had the weapon, lifted it and pulled the trigger. As far as I know, he's putting his death on Janne Jemtland.

Storas concluded;

– Svein Rishovd Jemtland is sentenced to 18 years in prison for violating Article 235 of the Criminal Code. Svein Rishovd Jemtland is sentenced to the possession of a Makarov pistol and associated ammunition.

The verdict is expected in two to three weeks.

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