Junior Lieutenant Bolsjunov is the new Russian bear



RUKA / LONDON (VG) The new Russian mountaineer is a junior lieutenant of Vladimir Putin's National Guard. Aleksandr Bolsjunov, 21, broke his world record with a former anti-doping coach.


The World Cup career actually began in Drammen, specifically in March 2017, when he took the sensational 9th ​​place in the sprint.

It was the father, also known as Aleksandr Bolsjunov, who wanted the boy, born on New Year's Day in 1996, to be a skier.

The small village of Podyvote, where it came into existence, has only 500 inhabitants and is located in Brjan County, southwest of Moscow.

The father was the first coach and he traveled the long road traveled by the boy – running as he usually won.

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Strong at the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games were the major breakthrough for Bolsjunov. He won four medals: silver on femmila, silver on the colors of the team, silver on the support and bronze on the sprint.

Since 2016, the new skikjempen is directed by Jurij Borodavko. He had been taking drugs for two years and had been cold for a long time. However, the shipowner Jelena Velbe decided to make Borodavko pass again in good company. He was responsible for a group of young but talented skiers. One of them was Alexander Bolsjunov.

These are the riders we started talking at the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang last winter and who seem even stronger: the winner of Ruka, Aleksandr Bolsjunov, and the heroes of the weekend, Denis Spitsov, Aleksej Tsjervotkin and Natalja Neprjeveva.

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In an interview with Sport Express, Jurij Borodavko said a month ago that there were "fraudsters and fraudsters" who supported the doping of the EPO by here in 2010. This is the first time that he discusses the issue.

Borodavko was self-banned for two years following numerous expulsions of Russian skier riders. A number of Borodavko students were caught in doping at the time. One of them was the Olympic champion Jevgenij Dementev. The other runners revealed at the time were runner Julia Tsepalova, Aljona Sidko and Natalja Matvejeva.

Klæbo has been set up:

In the national park

The coach told Sport Express that he was spiced up by people who came to fool riders back then.

"They asked the athletes and earned a lot of money, they offered the most modern pharmacological knowledge, which would have a good effect, without being banned," Borodavko told Sport Express.

The Russian cross is divided into different training groups – by distance and by sex. The Ski Federation confirmed that Bolsjunov, Spitsov and Tsjervotkin were part of the Borodavko group this winter.

Aleksandr Bolsjunov is also part of the National Guard, created by Vladimir Putin in 2016. Many of the other best Russians also have a military rank here, such as Sergey Ustjugov, Denis Spitsov, Aleksej Tsjervotkin and Alexander Bessmertnykh, while Alexander Legkov and Vasilij Rotsjev both have majors.

Already Sunday, the National Guard itself had an article homepages that one rider of their sports team had won the World Cup – fighting "one of the strongest skiers on the planet, Johannes Høsflot Klæbo"As it says.

Iversen has become boring, but stronger:

– scary level

Klæbo has already had many duels against the Russian. Sunday, the coach was 47.6 seconds from Bolsjunov. Klæbo thinks that the Russian is so good that the World Cup is already almost decided – after two rounds.

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– 47 seconds, that's a lot. We need to do a solid job next weekend. He put a button on the yellow shirt. Once he has had it, I think it will be difficult to take it from him, "Klæbo told VG.

Olympic winner Simen Hegstad Krüger believes that Norwegian riders need to get up and try their luck against Bolsjunov.

"It shows a scary level a day.

Tour Emil Iversen was 19.5 seconds behind the Russians in goals.

"It was not surprisingly good, but it was very good," Iversen told VG.

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– scary well?

"No, I was not afraid," Iversen replies.

"It's a favorite to win the World Cup, it has almost no weak sides, I'm happy to be the closest to the world, it's the best," said Iversen. of the press conference after 15 kilometers.He is aware that there is a lot to beat with 20 seconds in this track.

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New interpreter

The Norwegian press flew over Bolsjunov in Ruka after the closure of the double compound. It was difficult to understand the translator after Saturday's sprint owner, but there was more flow on Sunday. New interpreter helped. But after the Norwegian journalists have interrogated Bolsjunov for four minutes, it is clear that it becomes easier if he learns English, so as not to have the translator.

– My English is very good, says Bolsjunov.

So there was a lot of laughter and a great atmosphere at the press conference.

For Bolsjunov, not so much a smile. At least not public. Even if he wins.

VG asks:

– Usually you smile a little. Do not be happy when you win?

"Yes, I am very happy when I win, Bolsjunov responds and smiles that it will be a theme.

Martin Johnsrud Sundby became number four. 31.1 seconds behind the Russians.

"I recognize that I'm behind the winner, but close enough to those who are right in front of me," said Sundby.

He is impressed by what Bolsjunov delivers.

"It's a fierce race that he serves in these trails.That has not been so much in Ruka since Bauer was in fame.It's a great skier that he delivers." what he does is play with us, "Sundby told Norwegian and Swedish journalists in the pressure zone after the race.

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