Kjell Inge Røkke acts as a fisherman with the boat "Safe", writes Budstikka.
It was in 2007 that Røkke sjøsatte the boat. First of all, he started selling shrimps in Oslo and from 2012 in Vollen, in close cooperation with Roger Hammerø.
In August of this year, Hammerø died at only 59 years old. It will also be the end of fishing with "Safe", which was closely linked to the mate.
– Røkke can confirm that the fishing boat "Safe" will be sold. This is mainly due to the fact that Roger Hammerø, who was skipper on board and who played a key role in the project, died earlier this year, confirms Røkke spokesperson Rolf Nereng at Budstikka.
Withdrawn from the fisherman's number
Last week, DN wrote that the Fisheries Directorate was cutting Kjell Inge Røkke's fishing capacity.
The reason for this is that the fisheries department believes that Røkke does not qualify for the so-called fisherman number for 2019. Being registered in the fisherman's number means that you have the right to participate in different fisheries.
The Fisheries Directorate refers to the Nav's information that the owner of the Aker is working hard in a business other than fishing and capture. Røkke controls and is chairman of the Board of Aker.
He was also previously excluded from the fishing population, but complained about the decision and continued to fish. Røkke has until December 1 to appeal the decision, he says.
Do not appeal the decision
"Røkke will not appeal the ruling that he just took to be excluded from the fisherman as of 1 January 2019," Nereng told Budstikka.
Kjell Inge Røkke (60), owner of Aker, broke with the US fishery in 1982 with a $ 75,000 trawler. Since then, he has built a billionaire and has become Norway's richest country, but also sometimes driven by shrimp fishing through his "Safe" trawler on Si.(Conditions)Copyright Dagens Næringsliv AS and / or our suppliers. We would like you to share our business using a link directly to our pages. The copy or any other form of use of all or part of the content may only be done by written authorization or as permitted by law. For other terms please see here.
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