KrF resellers support FRP cooperation


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The KrF negotiating committee discusses, notes and prepares a series of meetings or "explorations" with government parties until Christmas.

"If Erik does not think the result is good enough, it's not in the party either, but I do not think we'll get there," says KrF's second deputy, Kjell Ingolf Ropstad, and continues:

– We are a team. There are different views here at home, but I do not think anyone is trying to stab the wheels in the wheels, "he says.

Ropstad leads the committee that will lead the party on the thorny path to government with the Frp, promised during the election campaign. do not go to the government with.

Two blue, one red

With him, he has his first vice-president, Olaug V. Bollestad. Both represent the leaders of the victory of the fall government debate – the so-called blue side who won the ballot at the KrF's extraordinary national meeting on Nov. 2.

The third member of the committee is Erik Lunde, head of the KrF group at Oslo City Council. He represents the losers – the red party – who supported the party leader's desire, Knut Arild Hareide, to cooperate with the left.

Jorunn Hallaråker is secretary of the bargaining committee.

At the end of this process, the KrF will make another choice that the whole nation will follow closely: either there is sufficient political agreement and willingness to begin formal negotiations on the membership of the KrF to the Solberg government.

Or that the foundation of an enlarged Solberg government does not exist and that the party must seek government cooperation with the Ap and the Sp.

Government parties and party meet "at the same place"

Former parliamentary leader Hans Olav Syvertsen was hired as a special advisor to the parliamentary group as part of the explorations.

"We meet very often and take all our time to prepare ourselves, we go through the domains one after the other and identify the problems we need to know and the areas where we know there is a disagreement between the parties", said Ropstad.

Where and how often the KrF met with Prime Minister Erna Solberg and his potential government partners, they decided to stay close to looking for a job.

– We meet in the same place. We have agreed to meet until Christmas for talks to determine if there are bases for negotiations after the new year, "Ropstad said.

The most important documents for selection are the 140-page party program "It's all about people". In addition, KrF's document "Together for a Warmer Society", adopted unanimously by the country council in September.

– We have a team with a mission

"We are also sensitive to Jeløya's statement," said Ropstad, who clearly defined the priorities:

"We want to ensure that children have a safe education, create an equal community with room for everyone, and demonstrate your overall responsibility for the environment and address the fight against poverty and poverty. 39; slavery.

But that does not stop there:

"If we manage to form a majority government, the district, agriculture and fisheries are important areas for which we know that the priorities of the other parties are different from those of our country," he said. .

– Is there a red-blue conflict line in the selection?

"We do not really think so, we are a team and have a mission, we listen to each other and we work to get the best footprint for KrF," says Bollestad.

– We discussed road choices. We have largely agreed on the policy. We are now united in one delegation. Everyone here hopes that we will succeed in the task we received from the national meeting, said Lunde.

– Do you have a veto on the outcome of the negotiations?

– No We will collaborate as a party, he replies.

During the explorations, they meet the head of Frp Siv Jensen, the vice-president Sylvi Listhaug and the head of Parliament Hans Andreas Limi. For many CF, the idea of ​​government cooperation grows with them, anger and tears. In particular, Listhaug caused many FRK with statements such as "kill imams".

– How is the mood when you meet around the negotiating table?

"There's a reason we've had formulations of great political distance with Frp, but it's a pleasure to meet the Minister for political conversations," says Lunde.

– KrF and Frp are political opposites?

"It's going a bit, depending on what you're talking about," says Lunde.

"We have a great responsibility, there are high expectations for the KrF to make a big impression and pull the government to the center," said the red and blue members of the KrF negotiating committee.

In two months, the bare room and the simple meeting table will probably be replaced by black government cars and at least two of the three ministers.

These are the KrF resellers:

Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (33):

Profession / Education: Law and Economics

Location: Evje, Aust-Agder

Marital status: married, one child

Political experience: political spokesman and deputy head of the KrF

Blue color

Olaug V. Bollestad (57)

Location: Ålgård, Rogaland

Political experience: Former Mayor, Chief of Health and Care Committee

Profession: Nurse

Marital status: married, 4 children

Blue color

Erik Lunde (39):

Profession / Education: Theologian

Marital status: married, two children

Location: Oslo, soon to Kristiansand

Political experience: KrF group leader in the city of Oslo, chairman of the program committee

Jorunn Hallaråker (37):

Profession / Education: lawyer. Teacher in high school.

Political experience: Parliamentary group advisor and member of the program committee for the KrF parliamentary program (2017-2021).

Location: Oslo

Blue color

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